Sunday, November 22, 2020


幾日前嚮合成行翻屋企時影咗呢幅相,影嘅時候有幾個妹妹仔走埋間舖度望吓望吓,影完之後其中一個妹妹仔話"真喺影咗",然後又話"幾廿歲人仲同我哋踭,去死啦! " 就好快咁行開咗。。。計我話。。。我點會同妳哋踭吖,正一傻豬豬嚟嘅,女喺唔應該踭仔嘅,踭就唔喺妳嫁喇! 男追女先喺合乎天意嘅,妳哋睇吓聖經雅歌就知喇,個新婦喺咁重複叫人唔好喚醒佢嘅良人等他自己情願,個良人所羅門王仲要攀山越嶺咁去揾個新婦,人哋喺王帝噃,香港啲仔算甚麽?況且我咩都唔鍾意同人踭嘅,妳見我45歲都未有男友妳就知啦! 有時間多啲嚟合成分享吓俾仔追嘅心得吖,我冇咩經驗嫁咋,多多指教噃。順便嚟幫自己陣味皮膚頭髮同健康升吓呢,等啲仔追到瘦都好額。

Several days ago, I took this picture when I walked home from Goodyear several days ago, as I was trying to take it, several young girls walked back and forth in front of the store. After I took the pic, one of the girls said,'she took it!' Then she said 'She still want to fight with us even she's that old! Go to hell!' then they stormed off........Actually I have never fought and will never fight with you...silly heads. Girls should never fight for guys, if you need to fight then he is not yours. Guys chasing after girls is God's will. Read Song of Songs in the Bible, the beloved kept saying,'Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.' And King Solomon had to climb mountains after   to look for his beloved. Come on, he had to do that even he was a king, who are those arrogant guys again? Plus I do not even like to fight for anything anyways. Look at me, 45 years old and do not even have a boyfriend. If you have time, come to Goodyear to chit chat about your experiences of being chased by guys. I do not have much experience, you are welcomed to share yours with me. Ad on the way you may be able a couple of things to recharge and boost your aroma, skin, hair and health. Keep the guys chasing.

Goodyear Perfume Boys Must Chase Centre & Pharmacy


HK Branch: 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon



Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel: (853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274


Note: 小鮮肉 means young guys in Chinese slang.

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