Wednesday, June 9, 2021





How much does a Panda Cost?


How much is Pentecost?

God Bless!



 I want to have my own fam

 I do not want to play games 

I want God's enemies tamed

I may want my brand name

I do not want the lame fame




 The psychotronic weapon has been hurting my left middle finger for 7 hours now. It has been hurting my right elbow since yesterday afternoon, so it has been 10 hours now.




Tuesday, June 8, 2021


 Thumb and elbow knee and arm, knee and arm, knee and arm, thumb and elbow knee and arm, pain in these few days.


教而不善,基本人權私穩權都不懂,抄晒人啲嘢出嚟大聲公佈,揭人私隱,當人喺監犯。香港人? 我喺香港嘅七十後,我成長嘅年代咁做喺錯嫁噃,老一代識人權,新一代反而不懂。

People do not even know what basics human rights and privacy rights are. They search through other people things and announce them, dig up people private confidential information and expose them. They treat people like prisoners. Hong Kongers? I am a Hong Konger born in the 70's and it is wrong to do that the way I was raised. The older generation knows human rights while the younger generation does not. 

All of you who have been using the psycho weapon to monitor, expose and attack me, I am talking about you as well, yes you.

What Are Human Rights? 


《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》及其《第一項任擇議定書》於1976年正式生效。截至2010年底,《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》已有167個締約國,其《第二項任擇議定書》於1989年通過。   《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》規定:行動自由;法律面前人人平等;公平審判以及無罪推定;思想、良心和宗教自由;意見和言論自由;和平集會;結社自由;參與公共事務和選舉;保護少數民族權益等權利。公約禁止任意剝奪生命;酷刑、殘忍或有辱人格的待遇或處罰;奴役和強迫勞動;任意逮捕或拘留任意干涉隱私;戰爭宣傳;歧視;鼓吹種族或宗教仇恨。

Civil and political rights

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its First Optional Protocol entered into force in 1976. The Second Optional Protocol was adop1989.

The Covenant deals with such rights as freedom of movement; equality before the law; the right to a fair trial and presumption of innocence; freedom of thought, conscience and religion; freedom of opinion and expression; peaceful assembly; freedom of association; participation in public affairs and elections; and protection of minority rights. It prohibits arbitrary deprivation of life; torture, cruel or degrading treatment or punishment; slavery and forced labour; arbitrary arrest or detention; arbitrary interference with privacy; war propaganda; discrimination; and advocacy of racial or religious hatred.


 The psychotronic weapon has been hurting my right arms for hours.


Would you mind if I just have the upper part without the lower part please? Keep it above the waist. 


Monday, June 7, 2021


Please don't kill me! I'm begging you!

I'll spare yourrrrrrrr ribs.



備註: 我有權私下忍屎忍尿忍屁你冇權迫我痾或者瀨或者放。。。。。囉! 仲有,唔好再抄我個袋,我屋企,我眼耳口鼻同我個腦,你冇權。

Privacy: the rights to hold back materials and to keep information secret 

Note: I have the right to hold back my pee, poop and fart, you have no right to release them, no right to wet nor soil my pants. Also, do not search my bags nor my home, do not search my eyes, ears, mouth, nose nor my brain. You do not have the right.

Sunday, June 6, 2021



當日 有個妹妹仔

sltd'(F) td'ts(C)

凝望着我 眼睛好細

fsl(F) ltls(C)d

 佢阿媽 正坐喺周圍



sfm(C) mfmr(G)ss

嚮角落 靜悄地呆獻世

sltd'(F) td'ts(C)

期待上帝 助我Fark圍

fsl(F) fsfs(C)d'd' d'td't'(F)l ld'm'r'(G)

我轉身 見到個妹妹仔 伸出小手臂同手指仔

sr'td'(C) td'r't(G)s sd'tl(F)fllfls(C)

狂指住我 大叫"幫佢呀!" 請姨姨幫我 聲嬌似雞仔

 rmf(F) fmfm(C)sd' d'td'l(F)l ld'm'r'(G)

遙望佢 我無語難回應 暗地裏道謝 流淚心底

sm'(C) d'r'm'r'(G) r'm'r'd'(F) fdls(C)

神蹟 在這小小 身軀光照 永恆不廢

mf(Dm) fmfm(C)sd' d'td'l ld'm'r'(G)

上帝 愛令我難自制 快樂眼淚 幸冇乜涕

sm'(C) d'r'm'r'(G) td'r'd'(F) fsls(C)

如今 一想起她 便眼濕濕 大愛清洗

mf(F) fmfm(C)sd' d'td'l(F) ld'm'r'(G)

上帝 祢令我難預計 永在我旁 護我一世

sm'(C) d'r'd't(G) mstl(F) fsls(C)

神恩 擴張我膽 強我心肺 令我尊貴

mf(F) fmmm(C)d'd' d'td'l(F)lld'm'r'(G)

面對世上龍蛇猛獸 也沒畏沒懼越過奸計

sm'(C) m'f'm'r'(G) td'r'd'(F) ffdls(C)

耶穌 導我護航 暴雨風雪 有聖靈指揮

dl(F) fsfs(C)d' td'l(F) d'd'ld'm'r'(G) tr'd'td'(C)

神蹟 永不會停低 願祢用 我肥壯身體 夢想變實際

Songs That Have Been Inspired By Heavenly Father


 做咩講埋呢啲衰嘢炙? 我哋呢啲唔講錢,講錢傷感情吖嘛! 都喺睇錢份上唔想傷我哋之間嘅感情姐!


 打咩工炙? 打本俾我仲好啦?


食囉,投脂嚮我身上吖嘛! 養到我肥肥白白,幾有面呀!


 The psychotronic weapons have been hurting my right elbow. The 20/30YO female upstairs have been making sqeegy sound and throwing things on the floor right above me.



Swine Flu




Non Pro Fit I Sat I On



被蛀: 廣東人鍾意排毒


 Good Mooning!



  Extra 肥緊

Saturday, June 5, 2021





















  Lame Game Shame




Intermittent Farting


 Last night someone broke in, took out the stopper that I used to stablilize the lock. They tore my bag that was already damaged by them, made it even more torn. They also bruised my fruit and stole my dried fruits from my bag. Before that, they put their stinky smell on my cleaned  bras in my drawers and clothes then they let them air-dried. I smelled the smell on one side of my bras but not the other, if it was from my body, the smell would be on both sides.  They have done clothes smellying things many times since I came back to Hong Kong in 2018. I have never smelt that smell before on my body nor on my clothes even when I lived in the Caribbean where the weather was even hotter than Hong Kong. Even until now I have never smelt that on my body, only on the clothes that were contaminated by them. The smell was like urine evaporating on the street, sometimes urine smell with a twist. First they put the urine outside of my door on the wall and made the white wall yellow. The woman I mentioned many times (20 to 30 years old from upstairs) said it was her sweat. Then they put the same thing on my cleaned clothes. They even put that in my cup before, it was yellow. One piece of my white furniture was turned yellow as well. Very likely they climbed in from my ceiling behind the kitchen cabinet (I have mentioned about this many times to the police but they did not investigate) or they stole my keys and made a copy of them to break in. Today the 20 to 30 year old woman  from upstairs screamed out loud saying "let me take it from you, you got it and you don't use it" right before I left my place. I was not sure what did she refer to. So according to her standard everyone can just take her stuff sitting at her home and millions of dollars from her bank account(s), she just uses small amount of it (actually she may not even use it because it seems like she stole everything she needs from others e.g. me), the rest you can just take it because she is not using it.

GO GET IT FOLKS, IT'S FREE!!! According to her theory.

Just a friendly reminder, they have stolen, robbed and destroyed at least 45000 HKD worth of stuff and money from me including my plants and a 10000HKD laptop. They have been even hurting my body, my health and ruining my potential job opportunities.

Please pray that no one can break into my place, steal, rob nor damage my belongings anymore. Please pray that they have to return 7 folds of what I have lost because of them. 


Yesterday a girl from elementary or junior high banged on my bag really hard that she even moved my body (intentionally harming others) when I was shopping in a store. She said she wanted to ruin my bag till it cannot be used anymore. She told the store owner the bag she was trying to ruin was free. I did not want to argue with her and make a big deal about it and disturb other customers so I kept my mouth shut. Everything that girl was wearing and eating were free, she did not have to pay a penny. So according to her standard, you know what to do with her stuff. By the way, none of the stuff I use and own was free, raw materials were not free, labor times were not free, proceedings were not free, transportations were not free. When they were bought they were not free.

Then the adults were doing the same thing banging on my bags (they have done that many times before) on purpose and when I confronted them the pretended that it accident and said sorry. One of them even said they wanted to see how was I going to respond  after he banged on my stuff. How about the damages they have done? Sorry does not help, money does. So pay up.  Which one would you like, prison time, pay me back or both, you criminal damagers?

Also you broke God's Law by stealing or robbing the qualities of my gifts fro Him. You wronged God by wasting His resources from the world He created. You reduced the limited resources so the poor or even the human kind does not have enough. So we will be out of food, out of fuel, out of raw material to use. Eventually, human will be extinct and the planet earth will be destroyed.

Our Lord gave us enough

You treat all things rough

You make our lives tough





A couple of days ago, someone broke in again, picked my fresh leave from my plant (they have done it many times possibly trying to kill my plant again) and put in the middle of my living room floor. The 20 to 30 year old woman from upstairs said out loud that she was the one who did that. Also they stole the documents I need that day from my bag so I could not find them when I was out, they put them on my desk at home neatly side by side when they broke in. So I called the police. The police came and went upstairs to talk to them. When I came back that night, my neighbors said that the 20 to 30 year old woman from upstairs slept with all of those policemen who came.


No Matter What They Say

Yahweh Will Make Them Pay


The 20 to 30 year old woman upstairs said it is "good" that because of her hammering my ceiling so that I would wake up. She always does that and even let the kid in to instigate him doing the same thing. She forgot that human beings wake up naturally after they have enough sleep. This morning I was already up by the psychotronic weapons but just laying in bed because I did not have enough sleep. These wakeupers do not know when people do not have enough sleep will ruin their health. How "good" can that be when it ruins my health? Even kindergarten children are know that. I cannot believe that people are so lack of knowledge nowadays.  

They thought that since they stole, robbed, ruined so much of my stuff and  hurt my health, if it was "good" to hurt me, convinced everyone that they were "helping" and it was "good", they did not have to pay. All I am going to say is God is Just. He knows what is truly GOOD because GOD IS GOOD.


The psychotronic weapons had been hurting the joint of my thumb so bad today that my thumb could barely move. Now, it is still hurting when I move it.


 Somebody broke in, tore and stole pieces of the leaves from my plants.

Friday, June 4, 2021




Dead Chicken since January 5, 2021

The fastest way to lose weight.........."MY LEGS!!! MY LEGS!!!"

Okay! Okay! I'm just jealous, you 20-year-old!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2021




I wish to wish?

I wish!



I have been running around for food, I cannot live without food, it seems like my goal of life and only entertainment are food. I usually turn into a constantly fantisizing delusional psycho when I think outside of food. I can only kick and punch in my mind because I get completely tied up in reality. Sometimes even my mind is controlled because I get tortured for not thinking what "they" want. My dream is dead, my life is over. Then I get hungry, have cravings and I need to again run around for food. No time nor energy to think more than food. Human........ is a blob of food. 



I know that milk can improve number 2, but is it not too 2? I used to constantly flood 4L milk right into my throat like drinking water when I was living in a cheaper dairy place, I had no problem. Even when I came back to Hong Kong in 2011, I had no problem drinking a liter of milk everyday. But since I came back to Hong Kong again in 2018, every time I drink milk, my body acts like an old motor boat sailing then get hit by multiple torpedos, i.e. loud, stinky and explosive!  F OFF!!! YOU FXCKING LAME GAME PSYCHO WEAPON!!!



被蛀: 突然見到好似佢嘅人用力掟嘢企圖傷我耳仔,不代表本台臘腸,唔好打我UM。










Albalone Bun,  Shark Fin Bun, Raw Oyster Bun, Swallow Nest Bun, Sea Cucumber Bun, Sea Urchin Bun, Caviar Bun, Lobster Bun, Pay Whole Bun。。。。。ch


齋剪59蚊? 咁雜剪幾錢呀老闆?



咦! 好衰嫁! 想知人哋個碼咪出聲囉。洗咩揾藉口炙? 仲要問得兩個咁少,問埋第三個嘛! 大家都喺成年人咯,洗咩咁怕醜炙? 




上天既然俾你有咁高嘅工作能力,當然要俾番佢咁高嘅坐活水準啦! 好公平嘅。。。嗰個上天。。。

I work better than him

He lives better than me

Since you are given the high working abilities, they have to be given high living standards. This is a fair world.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021


  My upstairs neighbor keep hammering their floor my ceiling , drag the furniture around and keep the tap on to waste water just to disturb me, ruining my ceiling, drop the dust on me. I called the police to warn them already and they challenge the authority and keep on damaging their landlord's floor and try to hurt my body. They got some kids and already screamed out loud right in front of my door earlier and now they keep on the disturbance and destruction. They claimed to be sent by Xi JinPing, by Carrie Lam and belonged to the police force.


做企業家? 唔好冧,企咁耐好攰禁,做坐業家或者瞓業家算冧,持久啲庵mum。如果個股屎股架高企,一定臭死,同臭吖mum。


唔好扮鬼佬噃你,money is the root of all evil 吖嘛,你估我唔知牙,我哋中國人講萬惡淫為手。。。首。

用完手再用頭? Anyway, 聖經講嘅,中英一樣。你聞吓,真喺有陣味嫁!

喺喎,去完UMUM有冇洗手嫁你?  聖經冇話啲錢臭喎,仲有你漏咗個貪字噃,即喺唔喺Money本身,喺 Love of Money炙,咩譯本嚟嫁你嗰個。

你唔信? 等我讀個你聽,提摩太前書6章10節: 要知道,貪愛金錢是萬惡之根;有些人戀慕金錢,就被迷惑而離開了信仰,用很多苦痛把自己刺透了。。。。。咦喺喎,貪先唔得咋噃,冇話億萬富翁唔得喎,貪完又生根又剩,仲要拮穿你添。

拿拿拿,都話淫為首嫁啦,好地地做咩要拮穿人呢? 咁重要嘅嘢應該留番俾個老公,為錢拮穿咗,你話幾唔抵呢? 你都喺好好哋保存。。。佢啦。。。。。又未結婚。。。。。




 Someone said they wanted me to be a comedian, thank you for your compliment, Come, Meet The End.





被蛀: 做人最緊要有中指 



I am getting 6 or 7 figures monthly, but since I do not have much of a figure, my net worth is 6 or 7.






收養我得嘛,佢哋監生話我同我阿爸好有錢喎! 咁就承佢貴言啦! 如果您哋唔收養我,我就繼續窮到窿,多多都唔夠俾佢哋搶同偷同破壞身體,湯藥費冇得賠,搶咗冇還,死都唔掂,警察政府又唔肯幫我保護我,您哋做咗我爸爸媽媽之後至少有啲防盜系統同保鏢保護我吖嘛! 謝謝收養! 感激不盡! 願上帝祝福您和您一家!



Dear Mr. Arnault, Mr. Bezos, Mr. Musk, Mr. Gates, Mr. Zuckerberg, Mr. Buffett, Mr. Hathaway, Mr. Page, Mr. Ellison, Mr.Brin and Ms. Meyers:

Could you kindly adopt me, please? People have been accusing me of being rich and have a rich dad. So they have been constantly stealing from me, legally and illegally robbing me, refusing to give me paid jobs and even ruining my belongings and body. They have been ruining my academic, career and relationships so that I have been stucked as a loser for over a decade. They have been even attacking me using psychotronic weapons so they can remotely hurt my body and steal my thoughts without having to go to prison or take any bad consequence. Police do not help, FBI do not help, CIA do not help, governments do not help. Only if you adopt me, then their statement stands, at least "I have a rich dad (or mom)". And your security guards and security systems can protect me a little bit.

Thank you for your consideration regarding my adoption and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

May God bless you and your family.


Pearly Pui Yee Yip


