Tuesday, March 17, 2020


我有寬闊嘅肩膊同強健嘅臂彎,粗壯嘅腳瓜同濃密嘅腳毛,如果我喺仔,一定溝死女啦。。。除咗矮啲, 肥啲, 冇眼睇啲 (約1000度), 冇錢啲, 冇事業啲,冇屋啲, 冇車啲, 冇PhD之外, 樣樣都好。
I am happy with the gender that God has given me and to fall in love with a person with the gender that I am supposed to marry. If there is sexist against women in this world, I will not change, YOU CHANGE BECAUSE YOU ARE WRONG!!!

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