Tuesday, March 10, 2020


路叔: 我一無所有
路過: 我都喺喎,又會咁啱嘅,我哋真喺有緣嘞!
路叔: 想請你飲個茶,可以嘛?
路過: 飲茶?
路叔: 呢,嗰邊垃圾桶上面未有兩杯囉,應該未飲哂嘅。
路過: 。。。
Bum: I have nothing
Loser: Same here. What a coincident! We have so much in common!
Bum: Want to grab a coffee or something?
Loser: Coffee?
Bum: See the garbage bin over there ? There're two cups on top of it, I think some coffee's still left in them.
Loser: ................................

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