Thursday, March 5, 2020


The stuff at my place have been broken and moved around and stolen since I moved in in 2018. Either by neighbors or neighbor's friends or random strangers who got access into my place. Whatever belongings God gave me are God's blessings in my life. No one has the authority to damage or steal them. They are  stealing and robbing God our Heavenly Father and they are the devil's partners. God also gives money to my dad to pay for my rent. I am just a 44 year old unemployed poor student. They barely let me earn anything from my birth place and they stole my stuff and money. Shame on them.

Also, the psychotronic/ satanic attacks have been putting bites on my chest and arms and legs these couple of days and they put a couple of scratches on my left shoulder and something in my throat as well.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, please pray that the stealing/ robbing/ damaging situation and the psychotronic/ satanic attacks will stop permanently and God will bless me abundantly in my career, finance, academics and life overall in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.

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