Tuesday, March 10, 2020


因為我鄰居用呢啲方法嚟監視同滋擾我, 偷嘢,仲要通風報訊, 聯埋其他人一齊攪破壞,我一聽到佢哋嘅聲音, 甚至乎連佢哋開門刪門嘅聲音都覺得好嘔心。佢哋唔知咩喺人權同私隱權,如果知,佢哋喺違反緊。如果可以我希望上帝將佢哋除去,同埋俾我一個更好嘅居住地方。
It is because my neighbors have been monitoring me, disturbing me, stealing from me, announcing my personal life, ganging up with others to ruin my life, I am so disgusted by their noises. Even the noises from them opening and closing the doors make me sick. They do not know what are human rights nor privacy. If they know, they are violating them, constantly. If possible, I would like God to eliminate them and give me a much better place to live.

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