Saturday, April 11, 2020


唔知點解,鬧鐘俾人教慢咗成個鐘,屋企個爐頭壞咗,之前個日仲好地地的。平時全日留嚮屋企都冇事,出完街就搞成咁,曱甴、鬧鐘、壞爐頭、仲有偷竊破壞財物等等連續發生,我已經叫看更幫我留意留意,都冇用,照搞。 之前屋企俾人搞同偷嘢,啲鄰居響出面話我買啲嘢太靚,另一個話而家香港咁亂,俾人偷入屋偷嘢有咩出奇。有一次有條友嚮出面話"叫咗你/妳唔好搞佢啲嘢㗎啦,佢同個看更投訴我哋呀",仲有一次一個男嘅話"搞到你走為止", 另一次個女嘅話"佢已經報咗警"等等等等。
Somebody turned my clock back for one hour and broke the stove at my rental place, I used it just the day before. When I stayed home all day, nothing like that happened. After I went out, all these weird stuff happened several days in a roll, cockroaches crawling around, alarm clock adjusted, stove top broken, things got stolen and damaged . I already told the building management/ security about it before to pay attention to my apartment, still did not work. Those have been problems since I moved in in 2018, one time when they happened, my neighbor said the stuff I bought were too pretty, the other one said outside of my door that "Hong Kong is so messy right now, it is not uncommon for people to steal things from our homes". One time a guy said outside "I told you not to mess with her stuff", "she already complained to the security". The other time a guy said "we are going to harass  you until you leave this place",  The girl also said once "she already called the police" etc.etc.

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