Tuesday, April 7, 2020


我今日俾個大我少少嘅阿嬸打劫,佢用𠝹刀指住我,搶我啲紙皮箱,掟我啲嘢同鬧粗口,仲叫我入青山添, 我行去另一個地方,佢跟住我繼續搶。有個女人仲加把口話我喺要俾人鬧過先安樂,點解我唔知嘅?
An lady who was just a little older than me robbed me and pointed a cutter at me today. She threw my things on the ground, cussed at me and told me to go to mental institution. I walked somewhere else, she followed me and continued to robbed my stuff. Another lady added to it saying that I liked people to yell at me. How come I did not know?

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