Thursday, April 16, 2020


God really listen to prayers. Last night I saw this mosquito which bothered me for a while and I could not catch it. So I prayed to God last when I went to bed. Today, I caught and killed it red mouthed and red bodied when it stung me. But the interesting thing was these two days, I heard the sound, saw the bug flew by, but then there were itchy bite-like bumps on my face where it  was covered by my hand and or my pillow. Is that mosquito a ghost or something that it could pass through walls? Or is it because the psycho attackers tried to cover up what they had done so they let me see real one? But according to what I read on the internet, people have been using insects as weapons to attack their enemies. Maybe I am satan's enemy and that was the reason satan's helpers attacked me with insects.

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