Wednesday, November 11, 2020



Like most botanical terpenes, Linalool is not specific to any one plant. You've no doubt encountered linalool if you've ever smelled lavender, either fresh, dried, or in the form of an essential oil. Linalool can be found in upwards of 200 plants, ranging from:  
Lamiaceae (lavender, mints, scented herbs),Lauraceae (laurels,cinnamon, rosewood),Rutaceae (citrus fruits),FungiBirch trees. Linalool has a floral aroma similar to lavender with a touch of spiciness that lends to its many commercial applications in creams and oils. Linalool is an Anti-Inflammatory and Pain Reducer: Linalool is useful for dampening overractive responses to injury or sickness; an Anti-Epileptic:  Linalool is "very powerful in it's anticonvulsant quality", a stress Reducer: Linalool inhalation has been shown to act as an anxiolytic (anxiety reducer) and may boost immune system performance; a Vampire Deterrent: Linalool can deter mosquitos with 93% efficiency;a Sedative: Linalool can improve sleep and increase energy the following morning; an Anti-Microbial Modulator: Linalool may improve anti-microbial properties. Linalool can have cytotoxic effects by inducing cells to undergo apoptosis and triggering cell death. The majority of studies pertaining to the monoterpenoid linalool are typically focused on its capacity to suppress microorganisms, with few having endeavored to research aspects of its ANTI-CANCER activity. Linalool offers tremendous potential in terms of treating cancer and immunity. We believe that this substance can substantially ENHANCE TUMOR TREATMENTS and provide novel starting points for FUTURE CANCER RESEARCHES.
Linalool 可在200多種植物中找到(例如薰衣草,薄荷,藥草,月桂,肉桂,真菌樺木)可舒緩減壓,抗癫癇症,防炎止痛,殺菌驅蚊,更可以治病同防癌。它帶有薰衣草香及微微濃郁度,可被用於護膚霜及護膚油當中。Linalool 是可以抗炎止痛的,能減弱受傷同病帶來的過敏反應,它有抗癲癎症,減壓,抗焦慮,增強免疫力,驅蚊,鎮靜,改善睡眠,於早上增加活力,抗菌。 因為linalool 有導致細胞自然死亡之能力,它可以殺菌及殺死癌細胞,有抗癌的功效。Linalool 有強大治療癌症及免疫系統的潛力。它能增強腫瘤治療功效及提供未來癌症研究前所未見的起步點。

They and many of our perfumes have linalool as one of their ingredients 

Goodyear Anti-Cancer Anti-Convulsant Anti-Microbial Perfume Centre & Pharmacy


HK Branch: 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon



Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel: (853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274


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