Monday, December 7, 2020


我要講要寫嘅都已經講曬寫曬,你哋要繼續食煙害人害己同錢作對我都冇辦法,不過我想問變態殺人犯戒唔到殺人喺咪應該繼續殺呢?"唔好意思我戒唔到噃,你要犧牲吓喇, 既然二手煙會生癌,咁你未去死囉,將就吓啦,做人梗喺要面對現實嫁啦!" 咁樣呢?

What I want to and write are already done. If you insist on smoking to harm yourselves and others and wasting money, I cannot help you. But I would like to ask if a psycho serial killer cannot quit killing, should he keep on doing it? "I can't quit so I've to give you up, since second hand smoke can cause cancer,  you just go die, we have to compromise sometimes you know, it's called reality!"

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