Wednesday, December 16, 2020


I want this
尋晚半夜有班麻甩佬同一兩個女人嚮譚公道多次大聲疾呼,今朝我兩個鬧鐘都失靈。上帝嚮最後關頭令我起身,出門口時樓上嗌落嚟話"算你好彩", 結果。。。。多謝阿爸。。。。天父。

In the middle of last night, there were whole btFunch of people screaming out loud on the street, this morning both of my alarm clock did not work, our Heavenly Father just made me woke up at the last minute, when I walked out of the door, a girl voice from upstairs yelled saying "You're just lucky". The end result was.......another proof of me having the Holy Spirit living in me. Thank You Abba.

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