Thursday, December 10, 2020


人鬼殊途?都幾殊咖。人唔可以變鬼,鬼都唔可以變人,人就喺人,魔鬼就喺魔鬼,各從其類吖嘛。So far, 淨喺天使變成魔鬼炙,仲喺敵對神嘅天使,好天使繼續做天使,魔鬼繼續做魔鬼,將來被火湖燒就叫做燒魔鬼。

Human cannot become ghosts, ghosts, mostly evil spirits cannot become humans. Human is human, ghost is ghost, each according to it's kind. So far only the bad angels could become ghosts, devils, evil spirits. Good angels are still angels, ghosts are still ghosts, until they get burned in the lake of fire, then they will become burnt ghosts, burnt evil spirits or burnt satan. That is why I prefer to call God's Holy Spirit instead of Holy Ghost, keep them completely separated.

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