Sunday, December 27, 2020


Stinky girl stinky girl stinky girl's here

I haven't taken a shower for 5 days

Sleeping and bleeding and peeing myself

How long I sleep Not your business

Stinky girl stinky girl stinky girl's here

My table's stinky so as my chair

I spent the whole Christmas all by myself

Let me stink up the air

The last time I took shower was December 22

Saving water Saving the earth

No one else's here I don't care

Neighbors broke in and ruined lots of my stuff

They broke my alarm clock

 They killed my plants and they stole my food

I've been starving and

I've been wetting pants

I'm enjoying my life

List of items ruined and stolen by my neighbors and their friends: TV, Air-Conditioner, Ceiling, Umbrella, Bags, Backpacks, Furniture, Plants (killed 10+), Bed Sheets, Socks, Shoes(3 pairs), Honey, Meat, Candies, Noodles, Seasonings, Toilet Papers, Detergent, Keychain, Stuff Animal, Hair Tie, Hair Clamps, Supermarket And Fastfood Restaurant Coupons, Money, Lamps, Clocks, Needles And Threads, Very likely water and electricity because they come in really often.

I have already confronted them twice not to come into my rental place, and they know that it is illegal to break in, they keep on doing it. They even said that they belonged to the police force and they said my dad and my church were the ones who gave them approvals to break in, ruin and steal my stuff. They also stole my personal info for their own benefits and gave me problems e.g. stalking and stopping. They even put sand (maybe even cement or dirt) in my food to hurt my body.  They put dead cockroach at my door and put life ones in, they unlocked my gate multiple times. Either they stole my keys and made copies, used a locksmith or they are good at picking locks. They even taught the kids to ruin my place and plants and make whole bunch of noise to disturb me. When I went upstairs  to confront them, one girl said they were family, the other lady said they were not related, they just rented the same flat (maybe a sublease). When I tried to confront them the second time after whole bunch of my food had been stolen, they refused to answer the door, have someone brought the kids downstairs from the back stairway, until I announced their address, the same girl with her glasses off this time opened the door and said she had not seen me before. I said to them to have everyone out so that I could talk to all of them at once, she said there were no man there while I just heard a guy's voice from their place 2 minutes ago. She said they had full time jobs and they worked 7 days a week. I asked them why did they make so much noise with hammer and even electric drill, she said the kids were playing. I asked how can kids playing with electric drills? She did not answer. Even the kids said they were not related, I heard them beating the kids and they were screaming after the kids exposed about the adults. So those people were abusing other people's kids after they taught them how to commit crimes ( I think it is because they are minors and do not have to go to prison, that was why my neighbors were using them). The kids even know that they do not have to take the punishment by law until they are 10 years old. Teaching kids to commit crimes is also a crime by itself. They have been doing similar ruining and stealing to me since I was living in Hung Hom 傲形樓19D. I suspect the same people followed me here 譚公道89號6/F七樓 , renting the place upstairs and doing the same things to me. I want these people to be punished, not allowed to be in my life, without me losing any more things, and all I have lost because to be restored multiple times. Please pray for me in Jesus Christ's Name. Thank you.  I have contacted the police many many times and they could not stop them at all. 

At the beginning, there was a guy hammering the ceiling and yelling out if you want to watch TV, install that yourself, then when I tried to turn the TV on, it did not work anymore. I was just watching it the night before. The landlord and landlady left that TV for me. It was included in the rent.

By the way, the third time I saw that girl was she was at the entrance of the building, with her hair cut short to around above her neck (mushroom style), dressed fashionably and just went shopping from a famous brand store that I cannot afford to buy things from there. She walked in front of me up the stairs, when she arrived upstairs, the kid immediately pointed out that she was the same person, the girl I saw twice before.

 Well the disturbance from the guys when I went to bathroom I do not have to mention too much about it. They just said they saw it very clearly what I saw in the bathroom, maybe my own body or my poops. They talked out loud about me when I was pooping or something. 

There is a possibility they opened a hole on their floor and my ceiling to climb down from upstairs.  In my bathroom the ceiling is falling apart and the rebars are exposed while covered by a false ceiling the is easily movable. They may use something to cover the hole on their floor and when they want to climb down, they just remove the cover and break in.

They broke my alarm clock, turned them backwards or even off a couple times. When my alarm clock was working, they did it on purpose to make whole bunch of noise way before the set time to wake me up so that I did not have enough sleep.  Then they would say they helped me by waking me up.

They killed my plants by cutting the roots off my plants, dropping cement onto them, putting pests in them or just breaking the branches off. They picked and sometimes stole leaves, flowers, fruits and damaged different parts of the plants so that they would not grow or even fell off. The girl upstairs even said that it was good that they killed my plants because I was going to leave anyway. How come I did not even know that I was leaving? Were they doing special arrangements for me by some random strangers? That was ridiculous. I do not even know them personally, confronted them twice about not to come into my place and that was it. No matter what, they broke in, stole things, doing criminal damages to my properties and they were supposed to be arrested. They ruined and stole other people's stuff and they made it sounded like they were helping. 

Also people who worked or lived on the same street constantly making noise to disturb me talking about what I do in my own private time and do it on purpose to throw things really hard to make loud noises and stop me from sleeping when it is not even necessary. Sometimes on holidays, sometimes way before I need to wake up, sometimes in the middle of the nights.

By the way, the psychotronic weapons have been putting itches, pains, bites and spots on me and they are still raping me electronically every single day. They have been moving my body in my sleep, disturbing my sleep and giving me fake dreams. They have been lying to me on regular basis, exposing what is in my brain, including my visions, hearings, speeches and thoughts, twisting the facts and slandering me. I reported them since 2017 in US and since 2018 in Hong Kong to the police and the situations have not stopped. The weapons made me passed out on the street once, I hit my head twice, bruised my back, forearm and my knee. The weapons put whole bump of swellings and pustles on me before and caused me to be bedridden. The weapon helped people stealing from me, stalking me, smoking around me, hurting my body and ruining my belongings on the street. There was once I was trying to file a police report on the street, whole bunch of people purposely bumped into my backpacks. The two police who were taking notes and asking questions were watching that happened the whole time and they did not even tried to stop them. I told them at the end of the report saying even those passerbys were purposely bumping into my bag, their responses were "I thought you didn't know." I finally hid myself beside the wall to protect my bag, the two police left right away. It seemed like they stood on the inside and let me stood on the outside was a trap to get my belongings ruined. They were either fake police, corrupted police to gang up against me to cover up crimes or they went to work just for paychecks. I want the psychotronic weapons to be destroyed and remote neural monitorings to be eliminated from me and all the victims. Please pray for us in Jesus Christ's Mighty Name. Thank you.

Note: I have never given any consent for people to put me under this "experiment", "game", weapon. It severely violates my human rights and invades my privacies. it seems like I do not even have the right to survive as a human being without their approvals. I am not allowed to think without their permission or I will get punished. I have to expose even how my poops look like to the public. And what are the passwords for if everybody can have access to them. My ideas are easily stolen for others to make money from while I do not get anything in return. And because of the weapons, I lose job opportunities. Who is going to pay me back my loss? I have got scars all over my body and the weapons can hurt me or even kill me if they want. Mind and body and life controls. Do you think you are God? No, you are not! What you have been doing and your helpers have been doing are from the devil. I had been homeless and I had to pick up garbage to eat because of the weapon. 

You have no right whatsoever to put me into the scheme, so as other victims or targeted individuals. If you want to eliminate some of us using excuses that we are lowly or useless, you should eliminate yourself. You are not only not contributing, you are having negative impacts to the world, YOU ARE WORSE THAN US, whoever you are who use this psychotronic satanic weapon to attack innocent people. And before you kill yourselves which you should according to your theory of elimination, take me and all of the victims off the weapons and destroy the weapons, they acts like evil witch crafts, technology used by the devil. Well if you are also using witchcrafts, you better stop, or else, you should also wait for the lake of fire from Our Heavenly Father to destroy you

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