Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 有人話我寫埋啲嘢愈嚟愈似男人,洗咩似炙,我根本就喺個男人,我麻媽話我細個跑得快得濟甩咗隻雀仔,於是乎我就嚮學校運動會特登跑慢啲,驚住會甩咗個鼻呀,耳仔呀,手指之類,仲有一定要殿後,以防跑我後面嗰個執咗唔俾翻我,跟住長大捱得辛苦,啲胸肌呀股肌呀出晒嚟,咪攪到成個女人咁囉,想唔想睇我震波?得閒有胸就表演個你睇, 收錢嫁噃。

Someone said that what I wrote sounded like I am a man. I am a man. My mom told me I ran very fast when I was little and so I dropped my weewee. So from that point on I did it on purpose to run really slowly even on school's sports day. I was afraid that I would drop my nose, my ears or my fingers something like that. And I tried to make sure I was the last one who passed the finished line because I was afraid that the people who ran behind me would picked up my parts without returning them to me. As I was growing up, I had a really tough life and that was why I had and still have huge pectoral muscles and gluteal muscles. And that is why I look like a woman. Do you want to see me flex my pectorises? I will show you sometime, when you pay me.


If you want to be a real healthy woman, the following medicines maybe able to help you.

Ultogestan Natural micronized progesterone


Premarin (conjugated estrogens ) Vaginal Cream in a nonliquefying base

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