Friday, January 8, 2021





Cigarette has toxic substances that accumulate in the lungs, which prevent air to come in and go out and lead to lung problems. They also lower the immunities of the airways. Also, the particulates from the air pollution contain lots of toxic substances, because they are very small, they can go deep into the lungs without our lungs being able to remove them from the airways. This is a serious problem. Vital -QI Lung Detox contains Japanese patent mint ingredients, they can stimulate airways, remove mucus and stop coughing. Common yam (Dioscorea polystachya) nourishes lungs and kidneys. This product also contains Lingzhi (Ganoderma) to promote immunity in order to maintain the lung health.

Relief airway discomforts
Reduce airway constrictions 
Promote lung's health
Sooth cough center in CNS
Strengthen immunity, reduce discomforts due to hypersensitivity 
Strengthen heart and kidneys, promote blood circulations

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