Saturday, January 16, 2021


 根據xx萊嘅兩次測試,我嘅生理年齡由我2018年回港後廿多歲一跳跳到現時47歲,香港人都算待我不薄喇! 我芳齡45歲。啲貧窮唔夠營養呀,長期滋擾恐嚇偷竊攪到睡眠不足呀,吸入吞下天花因破壞而剝落水泥呀,大量吸入二手煙呀,果然有效。但喺我鍾意生理年齡廿多歲嘅男仔噃,咁點算好呢?佢哋會唔會高舉唔起我呢?

According to 2 different  xxxxlife tests, my physiological age jumped from twenty something years old since 2018 to now 47. I am currently 45. I do not realize Hong Kong people really treat me that well. The poverties, malnutritions, long term disturbances, thefts, sleep deprivations, inhaling and swallowing of cement from damaged ceiling, huge amount of second hand smokes are extremely effective. But, I like guys who have their physiological ages that are  in the twenties! Their statuses are too low for me! What should I do? 

They knew that I was poor so they gave me a drink.

By the way, according to the test, my body water content is lower than standard even after I took the drink they gave me. It is probably because the psychotronic weapons constantly giving me urinary frequency plus making me sneeze and my nose run a lot. This morning, I had to pee 4 times within 2 hours. And the dehydration is probably one the sources of my wrinkles and fine lines.

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