Wednesday, January 27, 2021



Jam Maker


Hey man, do you know how  high is the sugar content in the jam you made? 60%!!! Why're you keep eating them?

The COVID STUPID 19!!! Nobody came and shop from us, I've no money, and the jam's the only food I have! I can't believe you're that stupid, STUPID YOU!!!

Would you like to buy toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, mouth rinse from Goodyear Pharmacy to clean up your stupid smart mouth or would you like to go to the dentist and buy teeth, fake ones? I'll give you some time to decide, no pressure.





Goodyear Perfume Centre & Strong Pearly White Pharmacy 


HK Branches: Ground Floor 12 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


1/F Grand Right Centre, 10 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


Tel: (852) 2369 3318

Fax: (852) 2369 0608

Macau Branch: 8 Travessa De S. Domingos, Macau


Tel:(853) 2831 2267

Fax: (853) 2831 2274

Once Upon Another Time.......

Jamaican 1: My son hasn't come home for a week now!!! Where did you hide my son!!! You son of a bxtch!!!
Jamaican 2: Your son is at the beach!!! You son of a bxtch!!! He's at the bxtch.....beach everyday!!! Enjoying the sun and the beach!!! With another bxtch!!! Why did you blame me? You son of a bxtch!!!
Jamaican 1: Did he put sun tan lotion on, you son of a bxtch!!! I don't want him to have skin cancer, like his mom!!! 
Jamaican 2: How am I supposed to know? You son of a bxtch!!! I'm not his mom or his bxtch!!! You son of a bxtch!!! I stayed up all night partying last night!!! Stop bothering and yelling at me!!! You son of a bxtch!!! It's only 8:30 in the morning!!! You fxcking stupid son of a bxtch!!! Shut up!!!
Jamaican 1: I got some suntan lotion from Goodyear when I travelled to Hong Kong last time!!! Can you give it to him!!! I don't know which bxtch.....beach is it!!! And he listens to you more than me!!!
Jamaican 2: I told you to shut up!!! Did you hear that!!! Why the fxck did you go all the way to Hong Kong to get suntan lotion anyway? You fxcking idiot?
Jamaican 1: That Goodyear Perfume Centre thing has lots of varieties and they were extremely cheap, that's why I stocked them up!!!
Jamaican 2: Just put it down, I'll give it to him after I finish passing out, Alright!!! Just shut up and leave me alone for now!!!!
Jamaican 1: Ok, thanks. You son of your mother!!!! Make sure you ask him to put it on!!!
Jamaican 2: You're still yelling!!! You want me to choke you to death!!! You son of your mother!!!


唔洗您搾,合成搾埋俾您。 您搽就得嘞,您想我哋搾邊隻就搾邊隻俾您,SUN鮮嘅。。。白嘅。。。您塊面。。。同您啲肉。。。仲要冇地域限制,香港牙買加都用得。

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