Saturday, January 9, 2021



Wisdom is from our Heavenly Father.


Myda-B Germany Natural Plus


"This study finds Pycnogenol® to be a safe and effective natural option to improve day-to-day cognitive function, essentially serving as 'brain food' for executives, entrepreneurs and those who want help sharpening their decision-making. What is unique about this study is that it observes how Pycnogenol® can positively impact mood as participants reported feeling less anxiety and a stronger sense of content. That may be connected back to the mental performance boost and demonstrates the effects of dramatic reduction of oxidative stress," said physician and nutritional medicine expert Dr. Fred Pescatore.
In the study, after 12 weeks of daily supplementation with Pycnogenol®, results were also shown to:
  • Significantly improve mood (16 percent increase Pycnogenol® / -2.1 percent control)
  • Measurably boost mental performance (8.9 percent increase Pycnogenol® / 3.1 percent control)
  • Advance sustained attention (13.4 percent increase) and memory (3.6 percent increase)
  • Dramatically reduce oxidative stress (30 percent decrease Pycnogenol®)
"This study completes a number of research observations indicating that Pycnogenol® can naturally help improve some aspects of cognitive functions throughout life. Multiple studies have been conducted using Pycnogenol® and showing its positive effects in managing and improving some attention parameters in children with ADHD, in improving results of specific cognitive test in students and in improving several aspects of cognitive functions in adults over 60," said Dr. Gianni Belcaro, lead researcher of the study.  
"Participants who supplemented daily with Pycnogenol® demonstrated stronger performance in daily mental tasks such as dealing with money, managing people, and coping with stress. Those are mental performance benefits that can be felt from the home to the office and even in the classroom," said Dr. Pescatore.

Radix Ginseng Rubra

WHAT IS GINSENG, PANAX (Radix Ginseng Rubra)?
Panax ginseng is a plant that grows in Korea, northeastern China, and far eastern Siberia. People use the root to make medicine. Do not confuse Panax ginseng with American ginseng, Siberian ginseng, or Panax pseudoginseng. See the separate listings for American Ginseng, Ashwaganda, Blue Cohosh, Canaigre, Codonopsis, Panax Pseudoginseng, and Siberian Ginseng.
Panax ginseng is taken by mouth to improve thinking, concentration, memory, Alzheimer's disease, work efficiency, physical stamina, preventing muscle damage from exercise, and athletic endurance.
Some people use Panax ginseng to help them cope with stress and as a general tonic for improving well-being. They sometimes call Panax ginseng an "adaptogen" when it's used in this way.
Panax ginseng is also used for depression, anxiety, general fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple sclerosis, for boosting the immune system, and for fighting particular infections in a lung disease called cystic fibrosis. These infections are caused by a bacterium named Pseudomonas.
Some people use Panax ginseng to treat breast cancer and prevent ovarian cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, and skin cancer.
Other uses include treatment of anemia, chronic bronchitis, swine flu, prediabetes and diabetes, inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis), fever, hangover, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), HIV/AIDS, fertility problems and sexual dysfunction in men, to increase sexual arousal in women, and asthma.
Panax ginseng is also used for bleeding disorders, loss of appetite, vomiting, intestinal problems, gallstones, bad breath, fibromyalgia, sleeping problems (insomnia), nerve pain, joint pain, dizziness, headache, hearing loss, convulsions, disorders of pregnancy and childbirth, hot flashes due to menopause, common cold and flu, heart failure, high blood pressure, quality of life, wrinkled skin, and to slow the aging process.
Some men apply Panax ginseng to the skin of the penis as part of a multi-ingredient product for treating early orgasm (premature ejaculation).
In manufacturing, Panax ginseng is used to make soaps, cosmetics, and as a flavoring in beverages.

Grape Seed
1. Can reduce blood pressure
Several studies have researched the effects of GSE on high blood pressure.
A review of 16 studies in 810 people with high blood pressure or an elevated risk of it found that taking 100–2,000 mg of GSE daily significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure (the top and bottom number) by an average of 6.08 mmHg and 2.8 mmHg, respectively.
Those under the age of 50 with obesity or a metabolic disorder showed the greatest improvements.
The most promising results came from lower doses of 100–800 mg daily for 8–16 weeks, rather than a single dose of 800 mg or more (4Trusted Source).
Another study in 29 adults with high blood pressure found that taking 300 mg of GSE daily lowered systolic blood pressure by 5.6% and diastolic blood pressure by 4.7% after 6 weeks (5Trusted Source).
GSE may help reduce blood pressure, particularly in young to middle-aged people and those who have excess weight.
2. Can improve blood flow
Some studies suggest that GSE may improve blood flow.
In an 8-week study in 17 healthy postmenopausal women, taking 400 mg of GSE had blood-thinning effects, potentially reducing the risk of blood clots (6Trusted Source).
An additional study in 8 healthy young women assessed the effects of a single 400-mg dose of proanthocyanidin from GSE immediately followed by 6 hours of sitting. It was shown to reduce leg swelling and edema by 70%, compared with not taking GSE.
In the same study, 8 other healthy young women who took a daily 133-mg dose of proanthocyanidins from GSE for 14 days experienced 40% less leg swelling after 6 hours of sitting (7Trusted Source).
GSE has been shown to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of blood clotting, which may benefit those with circulatory problems.
3. Could reduce oxidative damage
An elevated blood level of LDL (bad) cholesterol is a known risk factor for heart disease.
The oxidation of LDL cholesterol significantly increases this risk and plays a central role in atherosclerosis, or the buildup of fatty plaque in your arteries (8Trusted Source).
GSE supplements have been found to reduce LDL oxidation triggered by high fat diets in several animal studies (9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source).
Some research in humans shows similar results (12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source).
When 8 healthy people ate a high fat meal, taking 300 mg of GSE inhibited the oxidation of fats in the blood, compared with a 150% increase seen in those who did not take GSE (14Trusted Source).
In another study, 61 healthy adults saw a 13.9% reduction in oxidized LDL after taking 400 mg of GSE. However, a similar study was unable to replicate these results (5Trusted Source, 12Trusted Source).
Additionally, a study in 87 people undergoing heart surgery found that taking 400 mg of GSE the day before surgery significantly reduced oxidative stress. Therefore, GSE likely protected against further heart damage (15Trusted Source).
GSE may help reduce your risk of heart disease by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol and reducing oxidation to heart tissue during times of stress.
4. May improve collagen levels and bone strength
Increasing flavonoid consumption may improve collagen synthesis and bone formation.
As a rich source of flavonoids, GSE may thus help increase your bone density and strength.
In fact, animal studies have found that adding GSE to either a low calcium, standard, or high calcium diet can increase bone density, mineral content, and bone strength (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source).
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition that results in severe inflammation and the destruction of bone and joints.
Animal studies have shown that GSE may suppress bone destruction in inflammatory autoimmune arthritis (18Trusted Source, 19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source).
GSE also significantly reduced pain, bony spurs, and joint damage in osteoarthritic mice, improving collagen levels and reducing cartilage loss (21Trusted Source).
Despite promising results from animal research, human studies are lacking.
Animal studies show promising results regarding GSE’s ability to help treat arthritic conditions and promote collagen health. However, human-based research is lacking.
5. Supports your brain as it ages
Flavonoids’ combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are thought to delay or reduce the onset of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease (22Trusted Source).
One of the components of GSE is gallic acid, which animal and lab studies have shown can inhibit the formation of fibrils by beta-amyloid peptides (23Trusted Source).
Clusters of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain are characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease (23Trusted Source).
Animal studies have found that GSE may prevent memory loss, improve cognitive status and brain antioxidant levels, and reduce brain lesions and amyloid clusters (24Trusted Source, 25Trusted Source, 26Trusted Source, 27Trusted Source).
One 12-week study in 111 healthy older adults found that taking 150 mg of GSE daily improved attention, language, and both immediate and delayed memory (28Trusted Source).
However, human studies on the use of GSE in adults with preexisting memory or cognitive deficits are lacking.
GSE shows potential to inhibit many of the degenerative characteristics of brain and cognitive decline. However, more human studies are needed.
6. Can improve kidney function
Your kidneys are particularly susceptible to oxidative damage, which is often irreversible.
Animal studies have shown that GSE may reduce kidney damage and improve function by reducing oxidative stress and inflammatory damage (29Trusted Source, 30Trusted Source, 31Trusted Source).
In one study, 23 people diagnosed with chronic renal failure were given 2 grams of GSE daily for 6 months and then compared with a placebo group. Urinary protein decreased by 3% and kidney filtration improved by 9%.
This means that the kidneys of those in the test group were much better able to filter urine than the kidneys of those in the placebo group (32Trusted Source).
GSE may offer protection against damage from oxidative stress and inflammation, thus promoting kidney health.
7. Can inhibit infectious growth
GSE displays promising antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Studies have shown that GSE inhibits the growth of common foodborne bacteria, including Campylobacter and E. coli, both of which are often responsible for severe food poisoning and abdominal upset (33, 34).
In lab studies, GSE has been found to inhibit 43 strains of antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (35Trusted Source).
Candida is a common yeast-like fungus that can sometimes result in candida overgrowth, or thrush. GSE is widely used in traditional medicine as a remedy for candida.
In one study, mice with vaginal candidiasis were given an intravaginal GSE solution every 2 days for 8 days. The infection was inhibited after 5 days and gone after 8 (36Trusted Source).
Unfortunately, human studies on GSE’s ability to help treat infections are still lacking.
GSE may inhibit a variety of microbes and offer protection against antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains, foodborne bacterial illnesses, and fungal infections like candida.
8. May reduce cancer risk
The causes of cancer are complex, though DNA damage is a central characteristic.
A high intake of antioxidants, such as flavonoids and proanthocyanidins, are associated with a reduced risk of various cancers (37Trusted Source).
The antioxidant activity of GSE has shown potential to inhibit human breast, lung, gastric, oral squamous cell, liver, prostate, and pancreatic cell lines in lab settings (38Trusted Source, 39Trusted Source, 40Trusted Source, 41Trusted Source).
In animal studies, GSE has been shown to enhance the effect of different types of chemotherapy (42Trusted Source, 43Trusted Source, 44Trusted Source).
GSE appears to protect against oxidative stress and liver toxicity while targeting chemotherapy action on the cancerous cells (43Trusted Source, 44Trusted Source, 45Trusted Source).
A review of 41 animal studies found that either GSE or proanthocyanidins reduced cancer-induced toxicity and damage in all but one of the studies (44Trusted Source).
Keep in mind that the anticancer and chemopreventive potential of GSE and its proanthocyanidins may not be directly transferable to people with cancer. More studies in humans are needed.
In lab studies, GSE has been shown to inhibit cancer in various human cell types. GSE also appears to reduce chemotherapy-induced toxicity in animal studies without negatively affecting treatment. More human-based research is needed.
9. May protect your liver
Your liver plays an important role in detoxifying harmful substances introduced to your body through drugs, viral infections, pollutants, alcohol, and more.
GSE appears to have a protective effect on your liver.
In test-tube studies, GSE reduced inflammation, recycled antioxidants, and protected against free radical damage during toxin exposure (46Trusted Source, 47Trusted Source, 48Trusted Source).
The liver enzyme alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is a key indicator of liver toxicity, meaning that its levels rise when the liver has sustained damage (37Trusted Source).
In one study, 15 people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and subsequent high ALT levels were given GSE for 3 months. Liver enzymes were monitored monthly, and results were compared with taking 2 grams of vitamin C per day.
After 3 months, the GSE group experienced a 46% reduction in ALT, while the vitamin C group showed little change (49Trusted Source).
GSE appears to protect your liver against drug-induced toxicity and damage. However, more human studies are needed.
10. Enhances wound healing and appearance
Several animal studies have found GSE can aid wound healing (50Trusted Source, 51Trusted Source, 52).
Human studies show promise as well.
In one such study, 35 healthy adults who had undergone minor surgery were given either a 2% GSE cream or placebo. Those using the GSE cream experienced full wound healing after 8 days, while the placebo group took 14 days to heal.
These results are most likely due to high levels of proanthocyanidins in GSE triggering the release of growth factors in the skin (53Trusted Source).
In another 8-week study in 110 healthy young men, a 2% GSE cream improved skin appearance, elasticity, and sebum content, which can help reduce the signs of aging (54Trusted Source).
GSE creams appear to increase growth factors in your skin. As such, they may aid wound healing and help reduce the signs of skin aging.
Possible side effects
GSE is generally considered safe with few side effects.
Dosages of around 300–800 mg per day for 8–16 weeks have been found to be safe and well tolerated in humans (4Trusted Source).
Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid it, as there is insufficient data on its effects in these populations.
GSE may lower blood pressure, thin your blood, and increase blood flow, so caution is advised for those taking blood-thinning or blood pressure medications (4Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).
Furthermore, it may reduce iron absorption, as well as improve liver function and drug metabolism. Consult your healthcare provider before taking GSE supplements (49Trusted Source, 55Trusted Source).
GSE appears to be well tolerated. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid it. Also, those taking certain medications should discuss taking this supplement with their healthcare provider.
The bottom line
Grape seed extract (GSE) is a dietary supplement made from the seeds of grapes.
It’s a potent source of antioxidants, particularly proanthocyanidins.
The antioxidants in GSE may help alleviate the oxidative stress, inflammation, and tissue damage that can occur alongside chronic diseases.
By supplementing with GSE, you’ll reap the benefits of better heart, brain, kidney, liver, and skin health.
Last medically reviewed on November 5, 2019
Written by Caroline Hill, MHumNutr, BSc on November 5, 2019 — Medically reviewed by Atli Arnarson BSc, PhD

Radix Et Rhizoma Rhodiolae

It has medicinal function to treat and prevent the following diseases: Alzeimer's Disease, Depression, Huntington's Disease, Diabetes, Hepatic Fibrosis, Acute Fever Fibrosis, Acute Liver Fibrosis, Bladder Cancer, Lung Cancer, Fibrosarcoma, Colon Sarcoma, Sarcoma, Pulmonary Hypertension, Parkinson's Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, Streptozotocin induced diabetes, Leukemia, Diabetic Nephropathy, T-Lymphocyte in Tumor, Hepatoma, Acute Myocardial Infarction, Hypomnesia. 

Potenzagy Natural Plus


Radix Ginseng Rubra

WHAT IS GINSENG, PANAX (Radix Ginseng Rubra)?
Panax ginseng is a plant that grows in Korea, northeastern China, and far eastern Siberia. People use the root to make medicine. Do not confuse Panax ginseng with American ginseng, Siberian ginseng, or Panax pseudoginseng. See the separate listings for American Ginseng, Ashwaganda, Blue Cohosh, Canaigre, Codonopsis, Panax Pseudoginseng, and Siberian Ginseng.
Panax ginseng is taken by mouth to improve thinking, concentration, memory, Alzheimer's disease, work efficiency, physical stamina, preventing muscle damage from exercise, and athletic endurance.
Some people use Panax ginseng to help them cope with stress and as a general tonic for improving well-being. They sometimes call Panax ginseng an "adaptogen" when it's used in this way.
Panax ginseng is also used for depression, anxiety, general fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple sclerosis, for boosting the immune system, and for fighting particular infections in a lung disease called cystic fibrosis. These infections are caused by a bacterium named Pseudomonas.
Some people use Panax ginseng to treat breast cancer and prevent ovarian cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, and skin cancer.
Other uses include treatment of anemia, chronic bronchitis, swine flu, prediabetes and diabetes, inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis), fever, hangover, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), HIV/AIDS, fertility problems and sexual dysfunction in men, to increase sexual arousal in women, and asthma.
Panax ginseng is also used for bleeding disorders, loss of appetite, vomiting, intestinal problems, gallstones, bad breath, fibromyalgia, sleeping problems (insomnia), nerve pain, joint pain, dizziness, headache, hearing loss, convulsions, disorders of pregnancy and childbirth, hot flashes due to menopause, common cold and flu, heart failure, high blood pressure, quality of life, wrinkled skin, and to slow the aging process.
Some men apply Panax ginseng to the skin of the penis as part of a multi-ingredient product for treating early orgasm (premature ejaculation).
In manufacturing, Panax ginseng is used to make soaps, cosmetics, and as a flavoring in beverages.

Radix Et Rhizoma Rhodiolae

It has medicinal function to treat and prevent the following diseases: Alzeimer's Disease, Depression, Huntington's Disease, Diabetes, Hepatic Fibrosis, Acute Fever Fibrosis, Acute Liver Fibrosis, Bladder Cancer, Lung Cancer, Fibrosarcoma, Colon Sarcoma, Sarcoma, Pulmonary Hypertension, Parkinson's Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, Streptozotocin induced diabetes, Leukemia, Diabetic Nephropathy, T-Lymphocyte in Tumor, Hepatoma, Acute Myocardial Infarction, Hypomnesia. 


"This study finds Pycnogenol® to be a safe and effective natural option to improve day-to-day cognitive function, essentially serving as 'brain food' for executives, entrepreneurs and those who want help sharpening their decision-making. What is unique about this study is that it observes how Pycnogenol® can positively impact mood as participants reported feeling less anxiety and a stronger sense of content. That may be connected back to the mental performance boost and demonstrates the effects of dramatic reduction of oxidative stress," said physician and nutritional medicine expert Dr. Fred Pescatore.
In the study, after 12 weeks of daily supplementation with Pycnogenol®, results were also shown to:
  • Significantly improve mood (16 percent increase Pycnogenol® / -2.1 percent control)
  • Measurably boost mental performance (8.9 percent increase Pycnogenol® / 3.1 percent control)
  • Advance sustained attention (13.4 percent increase) and memory (3.6 percent increase)
  • Dramatically reduce oxidative stress (30 percent decrease Pycnogenol®)
"This study completes a number of research observations indicating that Pycnogenol® can naturally help improve some aspects of cognitive functions throughout life. Multiple studies have been conducted using Pycnogenol® and showing its positive effects in managing and improving some attention parameters in children with ADHD, in improving results of specific cognitive test in students and in improving several aspects of cognitive functions in adults over 60," said Dr. Gianni Belcaro, lead researcher of the study.  
"Participants who supplemented daily with Pycnogenol® demonstrated stronger performance in daily mental tasks such as dealing with money, managing people, and coping with stress. Those are mental performance benefits that can be felt from the home to the office and even in the classroom," said Dr. Pescatore.

Grape Seed
1. Can reduce blood pressure
Several studies have researched the effects of GSE on high blood pressure.
A review of 16 studies in 810 people with high blood pressure or an elevated risk of it found that taking 100–2,000 mg of GSE daily significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure (the top and bottom number) by an average of 6.08 mmHg and 2.8 mmHg, respectively.
Those under the age of 50 with obesity or a metabolic disorder showed the greatest improvements.
The most promising results came from lower doses of 100–800 mg daily for 8–16 weeks, rather than a single dose of 800 mg or more (4Trusted Source).
Another study in 29 adults with high blood pressure found that taking 300 mg of GSE daily lowered systolic blood pressure by 5.6% and diastolic blood pressure by 4.7% after 6 weeks (5Trusted Source).
GSE may help reduce blood pressure, particularly in young to middle-aged people and those who have excess weight.
2. Can improve blood flow
Some studies suggest that GSE may improve blood flow.
In an 8-week study in 17 healthy postmenopausal women, taking 400 mg of GSE had blood-thinning effects, potentially reducing the risk of blood clots (6Trusted Source).
An additional study in 8 healthy young women assessed the effects of a single 400-mg dose of proanthocyanidin from GSE immediately followed by 6 hours of sitting. It was shown to reduce leg swelling and edema by 70%, compared with not taking GSE.
In the same study, 8 other healthy young women who took a daily 133-mg dose of proanthocyanidins from GSE for 14 days experienced 40% less leg swelling after 6 hours of sitting (7Trusted Source).
GSE has been shown to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of blood clotting, which may benefit those with circulatory problems.
3. Could reduce oxidative damage
An elevated blood level of LDL (bad) cholesterol is a known risk factor for heart disease.
The oxidation of LDL cholesterol significantly increases this risk and plays a central role in atherosclerosis, or the buildup of fatty plaque in your arteries (8Trusted Source).
GSE supplements have been found to reduce LDL oxidation triggered by high fat diets in several animal studies (9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source).
Some research in humans shows similar results (12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source).
When 8 healthy people ate a high fat meal, taking 300 mg of GSE inhibited the oxidation of fats in the blood, compared with a 150% increase seen in those who did not take GSE (14Trusted Source).
In another study, 61 healthy adults saw a 13.9% reduction in oxidized LDL after taking 400 mg of GSE. However, a similar study was unable to replicate these results (5Trusted Source, 12Trusted Source).
Additionally, a study in 87 people undergoing heart surgery found that taking 400 mg of GSE the day before surgery significantly reduced oxidative stress. Therefore, GSE likely protected against further heart damage (15Trusted Source).
GSE may help reduce your risk of heart disease by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol and reducing oxidation to heart tissue during times of stress.
4. May improve collagen levels and bone strength
Increasing flavonoid consumption may improve collagen synthesis and bone formation.
As a rich source of flavonoids, GSE may thus help increase your bone density and strength.
In fact, animal studies have found that adding GSE to either a low calcium, standard, or high calcium diet can increase bone density, mineral content, and bone strength (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source).
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition that results in severe inflammation and the destruction of bone and joints.
Animal studies have shown that GSE may suppress bone destruction in inflammatory autoimmune arthritis (18Trusted Source, 19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source).
GSE also significantly reduced pain, bony spurs, and joint damage in osteoarthritic mice, improving collagen levels and reducing cartilage loss (21Trusted Source).
Despite promising results from animal research, human studies are lacking.
Animal studies show promising results regarding GSE’s ability to help treat arthritic conditions and promote collagen health. However, human-based research is lacking.
5. Supports your brain as it ages
Flavonoids’ combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are thought to delay or reduce the onset of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease (22Trusted Source).
One of the components of GSE is gallic acid, which animal and lab studies have shown can inhibit the formation of fibrils by beta-amyloid peptides (23Trusted Source).
Clusters of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain are characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease (23Trusted Source).
Animal studies have found that GSE may prevent memory loss, improve cognitive status and brain antioxidant levels, and reduce brain lesions and amyloid clusters (24Trusted Source, 25Trusted Source, 26Trusted Source, 27Trusted Source).
One 12-week study in 111 healthy older adults found that taking 150 mg of GSE daily improved attention, language, and both immediate and delayed memory (28Trusted Source).
However, human studies on the use of GSE in adults with preexisting memory or cognitive deficits are lacking.
GSE shows potential to inhibit many of the degenerative characteristics of brain and cognitive decline. However, more human studies are needed.
6. Can improve kidney function
Your kidneys are particularly susceptible to oxidative damage, which is often irreversible.
Animal studies have shown that GSE may reduce kidney damage and improve function by reducing oxidative stress and inflammatory damage (29Trusted Source, 30Trusted Source, 31Trusted Source).
In one study, 23 people diagnosed with chronic renal failure were given 2 grams of GSE daily for 6 months and then compared with a placebo group. Urinary protein decreased by 3% and kidney filtration improved by 9%.
This means that the kidneys of those in the test group were much better able to filter urine than the kidneys of those in the placebo group (32Trusted Source).
GSE may offer protection against damage from oxidative stress and inflammation, thus promoting kidney health.
7. Can inhibit infectious growth
GSE displays promising antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Studies have shown that GSE inhibits the growth of common foodborne bacteria, including Campylobacter and E. coli, both of which are often responsible for severe food poisoning and abdominal upset (33, 34).
In lab studies, GSE has been found to inhibit 43 strains of antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (35Trusted Source).
Candida is a common yeast-like fungus that can sometimes result in candida overgrowth, or thrush. GSE is widely used in traditional medicine as a remedy for candida.
In one study, mice with vaginal candidiasis were given an intravaginal GSE solution every 2 days for 8 days. The infection was inhibited after 5 days and gone after 8 (36Trusted Source).
Unfortunately, human studies on GSE’s ability to help treat infections are still lacking.
GSE may inhibit a variety of microbes and offer protection against antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains, foodborne bacterial illnesses, and fungal infections like candida.
8. May reduce cancer risk
The causes of cancer are complex, though DNA damage is a central characteristic.
A high intake of antioxidants, such as flavonoids and proanthocyanidins, are associated with a reduced risk of various cancers (37Trusted Source).
The antioxidant activity of GSE has shown potential to inhibit human breast, lung, gastric, oral squamous cell, liver, prostate, and pancreatic cell lines in lab settings (38Trusted Source, 39Trusted Source, 40Trusted Source, 41Trusted Source).
In animal studies, GSE has been shown to enhance the effect of different types of chemotherapy (42Trusted Source, 43Trusted Source, 44Trusted Source).
GSE appears to protect against oxidative stress and liver toxicity while targeting chemotherapy action on the cancerous cells (43Trusted Source, 44Trusted Source, 45Trusted Source).
A review of 41 animal studies found that either GSE or proanthocyanidins reduced cancer-induced toxicity and damage in all but one of the studies (44Trusted Source).
Keep in mind that the anticancer and chemopreventive potential of GSE and its proanthocyanidins may not be directly transferable to people with cancer. More studies in humans are needed.
In lab studies, GSE has been shown to inhibit cancer in various human cell types. GSE also appears to reduce chemotherapy-induced toxicity in animal studies without negatively affecting treatment. More human-based research is needed.
9. May protect your liver
Your liver plays an important role in detoxifying harmful substances introduced to your body through drugs, viral infections, pollutants, alcohol, and more.
GSE appears to have a protective effect on your liver.
In test-tube studies, GSE reduced inflammation, recycled antioxidants, and protected against free radical damage during toxin exposure (46Trusted Source, 47Trusted Source, 48Trusted Source).
The liver enzyme alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is a key indicator of liver toxicity, meaning that its levels rise when the liver has sustained damage (37Trusted Source).
In one study, 15 people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and subsequent high ALT levels were given GSE for 3 months. Liver enzymes were monitored monthly, and results were compared with taking 2 grams of vitamin C per day.
After 3 months, the GSE group experienced a 46% reduction in ALT, while the vitamin C group showed little change (49Trusted Source).
GSE appears to protect your liver against drug-induced toxicity and damage. However, more human studies are needed.
10. Enhances wound healing and appearance
Several animal studies have found GSE can aid wound healing (50Trusted Source, 51Trusted Source, 52).
Human studies show promise as well.
In one such study, 35 healthy adults who had undergone minor surgery were given either a 2% GSE cream or placebo. Those using the GSE cream experienced full wound healing after 8 days, while the placebo group took 14 days to heal.
These results are most likely due to high levels of proanthocyanidins in GSE triggering the release of growth factors in the skin (53Trusted Source).
In another 8-week study in 110 healthy young men, a 2% GSE cream improved skin appearance, elasticity, and sebum content, which can help reduce the signs of aging (54Trusted Source).
GSE creams appear to increase growth factors in your skin. As such, they may aid wound healing and help reduce the signs of skin aging.
Possible side effects
GSE is generally considered safe with few side effects.
Dosages of around 300–800 mg per day for 8–16 weeks have been found to be safe and well tolerated in humans (4Trusted Source).
Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid it, as there is insufficient data on its effects in these populations.
GSE may lower blood pressure, thin your blood, and increase blood flow, so caution is advised for those taking blood-thinning or blood pressure medications (4Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).
Furthermore, it may reduce iron absorption, as well as improve liver function and drug metabolism. Consult your healthcare provider before taking GSE supplements (49Trusted Source, 55Trusted Source).
GSE appears to be well tolerated. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid it. Also, those taking certain medications should discuss taking this supplement with their healthcare provider.
The bottom line
Grape seed extract (GSE) is a dietary supplement made from the seeds of grapes.
It’s a potent source of antioxidants, particularly proanthocyanidins.
The antioxidants in GSE may help alleviate the oxidative stress, inflammation, and tissue damage that can occur alongside chronic diseases.
By supplementing with GSE, you’ll reap the benefits of better heart, brain, kidney, liver, and skin health.
Last medically reviewed on November 5, 2019
Written by Caroline Hill, MHumNutr, BSc on November 5, 2019 — Medically reviewed by Atli Arnarson BSc, PhD

(Germaannei Herbal Pharma)

Pure Chinese Medicines Fortifying the Brain
This Chinese medicine provides remedy to tranqullize the mind and promote better sleep. 
Actions and indications: Tonifying qi and nourishing yin, enriching the kidney and fortifying the brain, repensih wisdom and tranquilize the mind. Use for fatigued body and dizziness, insomnia and profuse dreaming, decreased memory due to dual deficiency of qi and yin, deficiency of heart, liver and kidney.
Active Ingredients: Codonopsis Radix, Ginseng Radix Et Rhizoma Rubra, Ganoderma, Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus, Ophiopogonis Radix, Processed Polygalae Radix, Poria, Os Draconis, etc.

 Codonopsis Radix 黨參
Codonopsis is used to treat HIV infection and to protect cancer patients against side effects of radiation treatment. It is also to boost the immune system; and to treat weakness, loss of appetite (anorexia), chronic diarrhea, shortness of breath, noticeable heartbeat (palpitations), asthma, cough, thirst, and diabetes.
1.增強抵抗力: 黨參對神經系統有興奮作用,能增強機體抵抗力。
2.降血壓: 能擴張周圍血管而降低血壓,又可抑制腎上腺素的升壓作用。
3.補中益氣: 黨參的主要功效是補中益氣。功能補脾益肺,適用於各種氣虛不足者。四肢無力, 
5.防治胃潰瘍: 有調節胃腸運動,抗潰瘍,抑制胃酸分泌,降低胃蛋白酶活性等作用。
黨參的營養價值: 黨參含多糖類、酚類、甾醇、揮髮油、維生素B1、B2,多種人體必須的氨基酸、黃芩素葡萄糖甙、皂甙及微量生物鹼、微量元素等。

Ginseng Radix Et Rhizoma Rubra 紅參
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine:
(i) Greatly tonifying the original Qi 
(ii) Resuming pulse and securing collapse
(iii) Replenishing “lung” and “spleen”
(iv) Engendering fluid and nourishing blood
(v) Calming the mental state and enhancing intelligence
Red ginseng is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which has multiple functions such as restoring the pulse, strengthening vitality, replenishing vital energy, invigorating blood, strengthening the heart, promoting body fluid, invigorating the stomach, and calming. Long-term use of red ginseng can effectively improve human immunity, prevent radiation, resist fatigue, resist tumors, and adjust our human endocrine system. It also has a certain effect on the treatment of impotence, nocturnal emission, urinary frequency and enuresis.Therefore, for severe blood loss, severe vomiting and diarrhea, long-term illness and loss of vitality, it is best to use Jilin Panjilong red ginseng, and the dosage must be sufficient and the decoction must be thick in order to exert its due effect. Expected effect. For prescriptions such as Dushen Decoction and Shenfu Decoction, Panakilong Red Ginseng is generally used. As for the common clinical symptoms such as lung deficiency and chronic cough and cough, spleen deficiency, chronic diarrhea, cold stomach, blood deficiency, dizziness, heart deficiency, chest pain, palpitations, insomnia, kidney deficiency, shortness of breath, excessive exhalation and reduced inhalation etc., Panakilong Red Ginseng should be used Tonic, to invigorate qi to replenish deficiencies, and ease the effect.

紅參的功效與作用—增強抵抗力 (Strengthen immunity)


紅參的功效與作用—安神補腦 (Sooth the nerves and nourish the brain)


紅參的功效與作用—預防高血壓和動脈硬化 (Prevent hypertension and arteriosclerosis)


Ganoderma 靈芝

靈芝的多醣體和三萜類物質被公認為2種最有功效的成份。多醣體是從靈芝子實體、孢子和菌絲體中提取,它能使身體充滿活力並幫助減少毒素,抑制和消除進入體內的致病性入侵者,如病毒、細菌和真菌 (念珠菌),它還有抗腫瘤和免疫刺激作用。



1.增強免疫力 (Strengthen Immunity)

2009 年研究證實,使用靈芝可以增強患者對感染的免疫反應。靈芝可以強化白血球,當身體檢測到細菌和病毒侵入時能夠更快地反應,使細菌可以在對我們的身體造成進一步傷害之前被消滅。

 2.使高血壓正常化 (Normalize High Blood Pressure)
靈芝中的靈芝酸 B 和 C (ganoderic acid B and C) 可以幫助改善高血壓。

多項研究證明靈芝對心血管、高血壓有正面的作用,研究人員認為靈芝酸 B 和 C ,可以抑制我們血管中膽固醇的形成和合成。

3.保持肝臟健康強壯 (Maintain Strength And Health of the Liver)

自 2000 年以來,已有 30 多項科學研究證明了這一點,同樣該研究也發現靈芝可以提高肝臟的再生率。靈芝可以提供全方位的肝臟保護。同時在肝臟受傷的情況下,靈芝會促進肝細胞繁殖,達成修復的目標。

 4.幫助治療癌症 (Assist In Cancer Treatment)

研究表示它們可以保護細胞的 DNA 並防止突變成癌細胞。此外研究發現靈芝中的三萜類物質 (triterpene) 也具有抗癌特性,該成分可幫助去除癌細胞附著到內部細胞來阻止腫瘤生長和繁殖。

 5.幫助長壽 (Promote Longevity)

2013 年的研究發現,使用靈芝的受試者壽命比沒有使用靈芝的壽命長 9% 到 20%。靈芝分子中存在的抗氧化劑被認為是讓人長壽的原因。

 6.減少落髮 (Reduce Hair Loss)

2005 年,日本科學家測試了 19 種不同的蘑菇,包括靈芝,想知道哪種蘑菇最能抑制 5α-還原酶,他們對大鼠肝臟和前列腺微粒體 (microsome) 進行了測試。結果靈芝在所有測試的蘑菇之中,顯示出 5α-還原酶減少的最高百分比,介於 70% 和 80% 之間。

許多疾病目前還沒有治癒方法,包括阿茲海默症和亨丁頓舞蹈症等。靈芝適合刺激大腦的生長和更快恢復,靈芝的成份可以幫助大腦更順暢地工作,從而防止暫時或永久性的損害 。


關節炎是一種常見但未被充分了解的疾病,據記載,實際上有超過 100 種不同的關節炎和關節疾病。靈芝具有抗發炎作用,可以保護關節。

根據研究,靈芝有助於預防和緩解類風濕性關節炎 (rheumatoid arthritis) 和乾癬性關節炎 (psoriatic arthritis) 引起的疼痛,它針對導致發炎的自體免疫反應來做到這一點。如果患有關節炎並想採取攝取保健品來保養的方式,使用靈芝是最佳的選擇之一 。


在紐約 Memorial Sloan-Kettering 癌症中心進行的一項研究中,靈芝裡的活性成分,食用後可以提高新陳代謝率,可使身體更有效地的運用能量,並使食物更有效地消化,進而導致減肥。靈芝還可以提升血液提供氧氣的速度。根據Memorial Sloan-Kettering 癌症中心的說法,由於靈芝含有多醣體體,可以作為體內強大的解毒劑,多醣體體也可以促進身體自然癒合的過程,也被認為有助於消化。




針對 398 名參與者進行了試驗,從結果可以得出結論,攝取靈芝有助於降低膽固醇、空腹血糖和體內三酸甘油酯,還有助於減輕糖尿病的症狀,特別是第二型糖尿病 [26]。改善膽固醇、血壓和低密度脂蛋白等,有益於心血管健康。


一項對 132 例神經衰弱患者的研究,研究人員發現服使用靈芝 8 週受試者後疲勞減少,健康狀況得到改善 。另一項研究發現,在 48 名乳腺癌倖存者中服用靈芝 4 週後,疲勞減少,生活品質得到改善,研究也發現受試者同時也減少了焦慮和憂鬱的症狀。

主要有幾種特別的情況,應該避免使用靈芝,包括懷孕或哺乳、血液疾病、手術或低血壓的人 。

Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus

【名稱】 五味子
【拼音】 Wuweizi
【英文】 Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit
【拉丁】 Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus
【類別】 果實及種子類
【來源】 木蘭科植物五味子Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill.的乾燥成熟果實。
【產地】 主產東北地區。
【性狀】 乾燥果實略呈球形或扁球形,直徑5~8mm。外皮鮮紅色,紫紅色或暗紅色。顯油
【品質】 以紫紅色、粒大、肉厚、有油性及光澤者為佳。
【性味】 酸、甘,溫。
【功效】 收斂固澀,益氣生津,補腎寧心。用於久嗽虛喘,夢遺滑精,遺尿尿頻,久瀉不止,自汗,盜汗,津傷口渴,短氣脈虛,內熱消渴,心悸失眠。
Category:Fruits and seeds
Origin:The dried mature fruit of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill.(Magnoliaceae)
Production Regions:      Primarily produced in the northeastern regions of China.
Macroscopic Features: Slightly spherical or flat spherical shape, 5~8mm diameter. Externally fresh red, purplish-red or dark red. Oily, with uneven wrinkles. Flesh is soft, numerous pieces often stick together; inside has 1~2 seeds, kidney-shaped, brownish-yellow, lustrous, hard, kernel is white. Flesh has faintly distinctive odor, sour taste. Seed has aroma after being broken, acrid and bitter taste.
Quality Requirements:   Superior medicinal material is purplish-red, large, thick, oily and lustrous.
Properties: Sour, sweet, warm
Functions: Astringes and secures, boosts qi, engenders fluid, supplements kidney, calms heart. Apply to lingering cough and dyspnea due to deficiency, nocturnal emissions and 
spermatorrhoea, anischuria and urinary frequency, lingering diarrhea, spontaneous 
perspiration, night sweat, hydrodipsia due to depletion of body fluids, shortness of breath and feeble pulse, feverish dysphoria and diabetes, palpitation and insomnia.

Ophiopogon japonicas 

【名稱】 麥冬
【拼音】 Maidong
【英文】 Dwarf Lilyturf Root Tuber
【拉丁】 Ophiopogonis Radix
【類別】 根及根莖類
【來源】 百合科植物麥冬Ophiopogon japonicus (Thunb.) Ker-Gawl.的乾燥塊根。
【產地】 主產四川、浙江。
【性狀】 浙麥冬塊根紡錘形,長1.5~3.5cm,中部直徑3~7mm。表面土黃色或黃白色,有較
【品質】 以飽滿、皮細、糖性足、木心細、內外淡黃白色不泛油者為佳。
【性味】 甘、微苦,涼。
【功效】 滋陰生津、潤肺止咳、清心除煩。主治熱病傷津、心煩、口渴、咽乾肺熱、咳
Category : Roots and rhizomes
OriginThe dried tuberous root of Ophiopogon japonicas (Thunb.) Ker-Gawl.(Liliaceae)
Production Regions : Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Zhejiang.
Macroscopic Features : Zhe mai dong: tuberous fusiform, 1.5~3.5cm long, middle diameter is 3~7mm. Externally earth-yellow or yellowish-white, with relatively deep irregular thin longitudinal wrinkles, sometimes one end has thin and small exposed stele. Pliable texture, fractured surface is off-white, center has thin and small round stele which can be pulled out when fresh. Faintly aromatic odor, slightly sweet and astringent, sticky when chewed.
Chuan mai dong: tuberous root is relatively small, externally milky-white. Slightly hard texture, faintly  odor, tasteless, not sticky when chewed.
Quality Requirements:   Superior medicinal material is full, thin skin, glucose-like, thin woody heart, pale yellowish-white inner and outer, without oily.
Properties: Sweet, slightly bitter; cool
Functions: Nourishes yin, engenders fluid, moistens lung, stops cough, clear heart, eliminates vexation. Apply to damage of body fluid due to heat disease, vexation, thirst, dry throat due to lung heat, cough, and tuberculosis.

Processed Polygalae Radix

【名稱】 遠志 (我以前個EPA錨司嗰個名字。。。黃嘅。。。佢老豆姓。。。鍾意廿幾歲耍。。。太極。。。撮咗本耶穌施。。。都喺黃嘅。。。個封面。。。攞獎咖。。。不過唔知佢連中藥都做埋。。。真係多才多藝。。。嘞)
【拼音】 Yuanzhi
【英文】 Thinleaf Milkwort Willd.
【拉丁】 Polygalae Radix
【類別】 根及根莖類
【來源】 遠志科植物遠志Polygala tenuifolia Willd.或卵葉遠志Polygala sibirica L. 的乾燥根。
【產地】 主產陝西、山西、吉林、河南等地。
【性狀】 該品呈圓柱形,略彎曲,長3~15cm,直徑0.3~0.8cm。表面灰黃色至灰棕色,較密並深陷的橫皺紋、縱皺紋及裂紋,老根的橫皺紋較密更深陷,略呈結節狀。質
【品質】 以皮厚、條粗者為佳。
【性味】 苦、辛,微溫。
【功效】 安神益智,祛痰,消腫。用於心腎不交引起的失眠多夢,健忘驚悸神志恍惚
【炙品】 制遠志又名泡遠志、清遠志。為淨遠志在甘草煎液中浸泡後,撈出曬乾入藥者          (嘩!阿黃SIR。。。您仲OKAY嘛?又浸又泡又煎又乾又剩咁。。。好在您年青時已經開始耍太極炙!感謝主!呢啲係咪叫試煉呀阿黃SIR?抑或喺逼迫呢?)。偏于寧心安神。炙遠志又名蜜遠志。為淨遠志用蜂蜜炙後入藥者。偏於祛痰咳。
【注解】 “骨”:指藥材木質化程度較高的部分。“心”:指藥材中央部分與邊緣部位形態質   地不同的部位。“鵝管志筒”:指較粗的遠志抽取木心後,所余的皮部呈圓筒狀或中空的長管狀,形如鵝翎管。

Chinese Name  遠志  (My once upon a very long time.....ago EPA teacher's Chinese name, demand and supply you know? He likes to do Tai Chi in his 20's, again, long time ago, he wrote a Christian book and it got an award, his last name is Wong, I  didn't know he's also a Chinese medicine though........surprise!!!)
Chinese Pinyin  Yuanzhi
English Name  Thinleaf Milkwort Willd.
Latin Pharmaceutical Name  Polygalae Radix
Category Roots and rhizomes
Origin  The dried root of Polygala tenuifolia Willd., Polygala sibirica L.(Polygalaceae)
Production Regions  Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Jilin, Henan.
Macroscopic Feature Cylindrical shape, slightly curved, 3~15cm long, 0.3~0.8cm diameter. Externally grayish-yellow to grayish-brown, with relatively dense and deep transverse wrinkles, longitudinal wrinkles and crack lines, old roots have relatively dense and deep transverse wrinkles, with a jointed appearance. Hard and brittle texture, easily broken, brownish-yellow cortex at fractured surface, and yellowish-white xylem, cortex is easily peeled off from xylem. Faint odor, bitter, slight acrid taste, irritating to the throat when chewed.
Quality Requirements Superior medicinal material has thick cortex and thick strip.
Properties  Bitter, acrid, slightly warm.
Functions  Calms spirit, boosts mental faculties, dispels phlegm, disperses swelling. Apply to insomnia and dreaminess due to cardionephric disharmony, morbid forgetfulness and terror, absent-minded, uncomfortable expectoration, burns and scalds and swelling, mammary abscess and swelling pain.
Processed Form  Processed yuan zhi: Also called pao yuan zhi, qing yuanzhi. Clean yuan zhi soaked in boiled gan cao water; take out and sun-dry (wow, are you still okay after all those soaking, boiling and drying, Mr. Wong? It's good that you started practicing Tai Chi since you were young, thank God....Are those called trials and tribulations? Or are they called persecutions? You future best selling God's grace of course)  Advanced in calming heart and spirit.
Roast yuan zhi: also called honey yuan zhi.(does your wife call you that, Mr. Wong?) Clean yuan zhi processed by honey. Advanced in dispelling phlegm and relieving cough.
Technical Terms  'Bone’: This refers to the highly lignified woody portion of some medicinal materials.
‘Core’: this refers to the central portion of medicinal materials that have a different appearance and texture between the center and periphery.
‘Goose feather tube’: this refers to the cortex portion of relatively thick yuan zhi medicinal material that has had its woody core removed; the remaining cortex presents as a hollow cylinder or hollow long tube, which is similar in shape to hollow base of a goose’s feather.


【名稱】 茯苓 (阿玲玲,妳做咩扒嚮度瞓呀?會阻礙發育嫁!)
【拼音】 Fuling (扶L。。。啋!大吉利是!救緊人個腦呀!扶咩?唔洗扶,好人好姐!)
【英文】 Indian Buead (Curry Bread or Native Fried Bread?) Tuckahoe
【拉丁】 Poria
【類別】 菌藻類
【來源】 多孔菌科真菌茯苓Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf的乾燥菌核。
【產地】 主產於安徽、江西、江蘇、浙江等地。
【性狀】 常見者為其菌核體。多為不規則的塊狀,球形、扁形、長圓形或長橢圓形等,大 小不一,小者如拳,大者直徑達20~30cm,或更大。表皮淡灰棕色或黑褐色,呈瘤狀皺縮,內部白色稍帶粉紅,由無數菌絲組成。子實體傘形,直徑0.5~2mm,口緣稍有齒;有性世代不易見到,蜂窩狀,通常附菌核的外皮而生,初白色,後逐漸轉變為淡棕色,孔作多角形,擔子棒狀,擔孢子橢圓形至圓柱形,稍屈曲,一端尖,平滑,無色。有特殊臭氣。
【品質】 以體重堅實、外皮棕褐色、皮紋細、無裂隙、斷面白色細膩、粘牙力強者為佳。
【性味】 甘、淡,平。
【功效】 滲濕利水,健脾和胃,寧心安神。小便不利;水腫脹滿;痰飲咳逆;嘔吐;脾虛食少;泄瀉;心悸不安;失眠健忘;遺精白濁。
【炙品】 茯苓皮:茯苓菌核的外皮,長條形,大小不等,質較鬆軟,略具彈性,功能利水腫。
Chinese Name 茯苓 ( not my teacher's Chinese name)
Chinese Pinyin  Fuling
English Name  Indian Buead (Don't Curry Me Okay? I am baking bread here!) Tuckahoe
Latin Pharmaceutical Name  Poria
Category  Seaweeds and fungi
Origin The dried sclerotium of Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf (Polyporaceae)
Production Regions  Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Anhui, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang.
Macroscopic Features  Sclerotium is an irregular lump, spherical, flat, elliptical or long oval shaped, uneven sized, small one is similar to a fist, larger one has diameter about 20~30cm, or even larger. Externally grayish-brown or black-brown, tumor-like wrinkles, inside is white and slightly pink, composed of numerous mycelia threads.  Sporocarp is umbrella-like, 0.5~2mm. Edge has small teeth. Gamobium is not easy to see, but is cell-like and often is found in the outer skin of the sclerotium;  white at early stage, then gradually turn into brown in polygon shape; basidium is bat-like, spore is oval to cylindrical and slightly curved, with one pointy end, smooth and colorless. Distinctive odor.
Quality Requirements  Superior medicinal material is heavy and firm, outer skin is brown with thin wrinkles, without cracks, fractured surface is white and smooth, very sticky to teeth.
Properties Sweet, tasteless; neutral
Functions  Promotes urination, leaches out dampness, fortifies the spleen and stomach, calms spirit. Apply to dysuria, edema, phlegm and retained fluid and cough, vomiting, less intake due to deficiency of spleen, diarrhea, and fright and nervous, insomnia and amnesia, spermatorrhea and gonorrhea.
Processed Form ‘Fu ling pi’: this refers to the outer skin of Fu ling, long strips with uneven size, relatively loose and soft texture, with flexibility; promotes urination. ‘Chi fu ling’:this refers to the portion near the outer skin of fu ling ge(whole poria), which has a pale reddish color. ‘Bai fuling’: this refers to the white-colored portion os fu ling  that remains after the chi fu ling is removed from whole pieces of poria.‘Fu shen mu’: this refers to the pine root at the center of fushen.

Os Draconis
龍骨(Ossa Draconis)-神農本草經(神農本草)
龍谷 龍骨 歐薩·德拉科尼斯(Ossa Draconis) 龍骨 化石碎片
Os Draconis的處理





除去雜質,存放在乾燥處;砸了 未經處理或煅燒。

Os Draconis的影響





C.失禁綜合症的種類 (唔好意思,走落咗少少,忍,都喺靠腦嘅,有關有關。)

它具有澀味,並具有良好的收斂和阻止分泌的作用。根據不同的證候將其與草藥結合使用。它適用於因健康氣虛引起的各種尿失禁綜合徵,包括精液散發,遺精,尿頻,遺尿,流血和子宮收縮,白帶,自發性出汗,盜汗等。對於精子散發,腎虛引起的遺精,通常將其與補腎益精的草藥合用。例如,它與木力,沙源子和錢氏相結合等等。對於由於心臟和腎臟缺乏而引起的頻繁排尿,經常將其與草藥合用,以調節和充實心臟和腎臟,減少排尿。例如,它與 桑螵蛸,

D.濕疹,皮膚瘙癢疹,慢性和未癒合的瘡和潰瘍 (拿拿拿,離題嘞,補腦喎家陣!)


Long Gu (Ossa Draconis)——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal)

Long Gu 龍骨 Ossa Draconis 龙骨 Fossil fragments
The Processing of Os Draconis
The ossature fossil of ancient times mammal.

Shanxi, Henan provinces and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and so on in China.

Dug in any time, but abided by rules.

The actual smell and taste
No bad smell, no taste.

Best quality
Best one is Wu Hua Long Gu which has strong hyposcopicity, yellowish white colour also with blue-grey and reddish brown figure inside, crispness and delamination.

Removed impurity, stored in dry place; smashed; unprocessed or calcined.

The Effect of Os Draconis
Sweet, astringent, neutral; liver, heart and kidney meridians entered.

Induce sedation and tranquilization, pacify liver and subdue yang, arrest and astringe discharge.

A. Unsteadiness of heart-mind, convulsive epilepsy, mania-depressive psychosis
Being sweet and neutral in property and with heavy weight, it can induce sedation and tranquilization, so it is the key herb for settling tranquilization. It can be indicated for unsteadiness of heart-mind caused by various reasons. For unsteadiness of heart-mind, palpitation, fearful throbbing, insomnia and dream-disturbed sleep, it is often combined with tranquilizing herbs. For instance, it is combined with Suan Zao Ren and Hu Po and so on. For convulsive epilepsy, convulsions, mania-depressive psychosis and restlessness, it is often combined with phlegm-resolving, wind-extinguishing and spasm-stopping herbs. For instance, it is combined with Niu Huang, Dan Nan Xing and Gou Teng and so on.

B. Dizziness due to liver yang

It enters liver and kidney meridians and has actions of pacifying liver and subduing yang. For dizziness, dizzy vision, irritability and tendency to angry, it is often combined with liver-pacifying and yang-subduing herbs, such as Mu Li and so on. For instance, it is combined with Mu Li, Bai Shao and Zhe Shi and so on in Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang from Yi Xue Zhong Zhong Can Xi Lu.

C. Kinds of syndromes of incontinence (Um....just a tiny bit too low geographically, in order to hold that back, you need the brain, so it's.....kinda still have to stay focused, man, above the waist....)

It is astringent in flavor and has good actions of astringing and arresting discharge. It is combined with herbs according to different syndromes. It is indicated for kinds of syndromes of incontinence due to healthy qi deficiency including seminal emission, spermatorrhea, frequent micturition, enuresis, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, leukorrhea, spontaneous sweating, night sweating and so on. For seminal emission, spermatorrhea due to kidney deficiency, it is often combined with kidney-tonifying and essence-securing herbs. For instance, it is combined with Mu Li, Sha Yuan Zi and Qian Shi and so on. For frequent micturition due to heart and kidney deficiency, it is often combined with herbs to regulate and tonify heart and kidney and reduce urination. For instance, it is combined with Sang Piao Xiao, Gui Jia and Fu Shen and so on. For metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, leukorrhea due to qi deficiency with failure to control blood and insecurity of thoroughfare and conception vessels, it is often combined with qi-tonifying and astringent herbs to nourish qi and strengthen thoroughfare vessel, stop bleeding and stop leukorrhagia. For instance, it is combined with Huang Qi, Shan Zhu Yu and Hai Piao Xiao and so on. For spontaneous sweating due to qi deficiency or night sweat due to yin deficiency, it is often combined with qi-nourishing and yin-tonifying herbs and superficies-strengthening anhidrotic herbs. For spontaneous sweating due to heart-qi deficiency, it is often combined with Huang Qi and Wu Wei Zi and so on, such as in Huang Qi Tang. For yin deficiency with effulgent fire, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, palpitation, ight sweat due to yin-deficiency, it is often combined with Zhi Mu, Huang Bai and Xuan Shen and so on.

D. Eczema, itching rash of skin, chronic and unhealing sores and ulcers (Hey man, side tracked too much now, I don't think I can help you to explain this point, it's cerebral tonic, not skin toning, toning the pores....sores? Make them smaller?)

It has actions of absorbing moisture, healing wound and promoting tissue regeneration after it is calcined for external application. It is often combined with same dose of Ku Fan in powder for local use.


腦是中樞神經系統上端高度發達的神經組織團,是人類體內最重要的器官。遇上腦疾患及機能障礙時,臨床的科學理據就大大地幫助我們進行針對性治療;甚至,臨床上的明顯效果被受確認後,預防性的健腦治療就徐徐而生。德國洛爾托福製藥廠(Rottendrof Pharma GmbH)經過多年研發於草本藥效治療取得優異的成績,以一級草本精華配合先進科技製藥程序,針對治療腦功能率減退,神經衰弱,精神萎靡,容易疲勞,集中力衰退及記憶力障礙,高血壓性腦出血後等不適。純天然草本藥物,絕對符合標準,可稱強化腦機能的營養治療劑。

Consinne Capsules

Brain is a highly developed mass of nervous tissue that forms the upper end of the central nervous system. It is also necessary for the brain to have special nourishing substance and supplement. Rottendorf Pharma GmbH have been reported concerning the importance of herbal supplement as the energy source of the brain and also overview the relationship between this substance and function of the brain. Weakness in memory, insufficient attention, lack of concentration, or the decrease in the ability of learning are frequently observed when there is nutritional deficiency of the brain. 
Consinne Capsules are the new Natural Herbal remedy of choice which is very helpful to free the brain from fatigue and have improve intelligence and increase the effectiveness of the brain function.
Indication: To improve and maintain the nutritional balance for brain. To prevent the lack of concentration and weakness in memory, increase the ability of learning and fatigue.
Composition: Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi, Rhizoma Polygonati, Radix Astragali, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Fructus Schisandrae, Fructus Comi, Radix Polygalae, Rhioma Acori Tatarinowii, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Processed Polygonum Multiflorum and other ingredients.

Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi

【名稱】 刺五加
【拼音】 Ciwujia
【英文】 Manyprinckle Acanthopanax
【拉丁】 Acanthopanacis Senticosi Radix et Rhizoma Sue Caulis
【類別】 根及根莖類
【來源】 五加科植物刺五加Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim.) Harms 的乾燥根及根莖或莖。
【產地】 主產河北和東北地區。
【性狀】 為根莖結節狀不規則圓柱形,直徑1.4~4.2cm;表面灰褐色,有皺紋;上端有不定芽發育的細枝。根圓柱形,多分枝,常扭曲,長3.5~12cm,直徑0.3~1.5cm;表面灰褐色或黑褐色,粗糙、皮薄,剝落處呈灰黃色。質硬,斷面黃白色,纖維性。有特異香氣,味微辛、稍苦、澀。
【品質】 以皮完整、斷面黃白色、香氣濃者為佳。
【性味】 辛、微苦,溫。
【功效】 益氣健脾;補肝腎;強筋骨;活血脈。風寒濕痹;腰膝疼痛;筋骨痿軟;行動遲緩;體虛羸弱;跌打損傷;骨折;水腫;腳氣;陰下濕癢。

Chinese Name  刺五加
Chinese Pinyin  Ciwujia
English Name  Manyprinckle Acanthopanax
Latin Pharmaceutical Name Acanthopanacis Senticosi Radix et Rhizoma Sue Caulis
Category  Roots and rhizomes
Origin  The dried root and rhizome or stem of Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim.) Harms (Araliaceae).
Production Regions  Primarily produced in Hebei and northeastern China.
Macroscopic Features  Rhizome is irregular knotted cylindrical shape, 1.4~4.2cm diameter; externally grayish-brown, with wrinkles; apex has thin branches with adventitious bud. Root is cylindrical with many branches, often twisted, 3.5~12cm long, 0.3~1.5cm diameter; externally grayish-brown or black-brown, rough, with thin skin; peeling-off position is grayish-yellow. Hard texture; fractured surface is yellowish-white and fibrous. Distinctive aromatic odor; slightly acrid and bitter and astringent taste.
Quality Requirements  Superior medicinal material has an intact cortex, a yellowish-white fractured surface, and a potent aroma.
Properties  Acrid, slightly bitter; warm.
Functions  Boosts qi, fortifies the spleen, supplements the kidney, strengthens the muscles and bones; invigorates blood and veins. Apply to wind-cold and damp impediment, pain of waist and knees, muscle and bone flaccidity, slow movement, body deficiency, traumatic injury, fracture, edema, beriberi, vaginal damp and itch.

Rhizoma Polygonati

【名稱】 黃精
【拼音】 Huangjing
【英文】 Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome
【拉丁】 Polygonati Rhizoma
【類別】 根及根莖類
【來源】 百合科植物黃精Polygonatum sibiricum Delarb ex Redoute的乾燥根莖。
【產地】 主產內蒙古、陝西、河北等地。
【性狀】 黃精根莖結節狀。一端粗,類圓盤狀,一端漸細,圓柱狀,全形略似雞頭,長2.5~11cm,粗端直徑1~2cm,常有短分枝,上面莖痕明顯,圓形,微凹,直徑2~3mm,周圍隱約可見環節;細端長2.5~4cm,直徑5~10mm,環節明顯,節間距離5~15mm,有較多鬚根或鬚根痕,直徑約1mm。表面黃棕色,有的半透明,具皺紋;圓柱形處有縱行紋理。質硬脆或稍柔韌,易折斷。斷面黃白色,顆粒狀,有黃棕色給管束小點。氣微,味微甜。姜形黃精多為長條結塊狀,長短不等,常數個塊狀結節相連。
【品質】 以肥潤、塊大、色黃、斷面“冰糖碴”者為佳。
【性味】 甘,平。
【功效】 滋腎潤肺,補脾益氣。用於陰虛勞嗽;肺燥咳嗽;脾虛乏力;食少口乾;消渴;腎虧腰膝酸軟;陽痿遺精;耳鳴目暗;鬚髮早白;體虛贏瘦;風癩癬疾。
【炙品】 酒黃精:取淨黃精,用黃酒拌勻,置燉藥罐內,密閉,隔水加熱或用蒸氣加熱,至酒被吸盡。或置蒸具內,蒸至內外滋潤、色黑,取出,曬至外皮稍乾時,切厚片,乾燥。黃精每100公斤,用黃酒20公斤。酒制能能使之滋而不膩,並助其藥勢,更好的發揮補腎益血的作用。
【注解】 “冰糖碴”:指塊大、色黃、質潤澤的黃精具有的透明斷面。

Chinese Name  黃精
Chinese Pinyin  Huangjing
English Name  Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome
Latin Pharmaceutical Name  Polygonati Rhizoma
Category  Roots and rhizomes
Origin  The dried rhizome of Polygonatum sibiricum Delarb ex Redoute(Liliaceae).
Production Regions  Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Hebei.
Macroscopic Features Knotty, one thick end round and plate-like, one gradually thin end cylindrical-shaped, whole piece similar to chicken head in shape, 2.5~11cm long, 1~2cm thick at the thick end; often has branches, with obvious scars of stem, round slightly indented, 2~3mm diameter, surrounding with ringed joints; thin end is 2.5~4cm long, 5~10mm diameter, with obvious ringed joints, 5~15mm internode distance, with numerous rootlets or scars of rootlets with a diameter of 1mm. Externally yellowish-brown, sometimes translucent, with wrinkles; cylindrical portion has longitudinal lines. Hard brittle or slightly soft pliable texture, easily broken. Fractured surface is yellowish-white, granular, with yellowish-brown vascular bundle spots. Faint odor, slightly sweet taste. Ginger-like huang jing often appears as long strip-shaped lumps, uneven length and numerous linked lump-like nodes.
Quality Requirements  Superior medicinal material is fat, large, yellow, with “rock sugar cut” fractured surface.
Properties  Sweet; neutral
Functions  Nourishes the kidney, moistens the lung, fortifies the spleen, supplements qi. Apply to cough due to deficiency of yin, dry cough due to dryness of lung, spleen deficiency and fatigue, low food intake and dry mouth, diabetes, weakness of waist and knees due to deficiency of kidney, impotence and emission, tinnitus and dim vision, prematurely grey, thin and weakness of body and deficiency, leprosy and tinea.
Processed Form  Wine huang jing: stir cleaned huang jing with yellow rice wine in stew pot, seal and heat above water or steam, till all the wine is absorbed. Or use steamer to steam till moistened inside and outside and black colored, take out and sun-dry till the outer skin is dry, slice into thick pieces, dry. Every 100kg huang jing need 20kg yellow rice wine. Wine processed form can moisten greasy nature, promote the medical effect, advanced in supplements the kidney and blood.
Steamed huang jing: clean the huang jing and get rid of foreign matter. Clean, drain, moisten totally, steam till black inside and outside by steamer, take out, sun-dry or cool till dry exterior. Slice into thick pieces, stir with the steamed water, absorb totally and dry. Unprocessed huang jing has numbing taste, stinging throat, thus often use steamed pieces. After steamed and eliminated numbing, avoid of stinging throat, enhance the effect of supplementing qi and nourishing yin, supplementing spleen and moistening lung.
Technical Terms  'Rock sugar cut (bing tang cha)’: This refers to the transparent fractured surface seen on large, yellow, lustrous huang jing.
'New Year’s space (nian jie jian)': this is a special distinguishing feature of huang jing medicinal material. It refers to the space between the ringed joints on the rhizome’s exterior.
Radix Astragali
Huang Qi (Radix Astragali)——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal)

黄芪 北芪 Bei Qi Huang Qi 黄耆 Membranous Milkvetch Root Mongolian Milkcetch Root

The Processing of Radix Astragali
The root of the perennial herbaceous plant Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao or A. membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. of family Leguminosae.

Mainly produced in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Shanxi and Heilongjiang provinces in China. The one produced in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is better.

Plucked in spring and autumn.

The actual smell and taste
Slight smell and sweet, with legumes flavor when chewed.

Best quality
Coarse and straight long root, white-yellow cross section, rich powder, sweet.

Sliced, unprocessed or stir-baked with honey.

The Effect of Radix Astragali
Sweet, warm; lung and spleen meridians entered.

Tonify qi, raise yang, tonify defensive aspect to secure superficial, relieve edema through diuretic, dispel toxin to promote skin generation, nourish blood.

A. Syndrome of spleen-lung qi deficiency

It is a key qi tonic due to its fine action of tonifying spleen and qi. For shortness of breath, fatigue, poor appetite and loose stool due to spleen deficiency, it is combined with qi-tonifying and spleen-invigorating herbs, such as Ren Shen and Bai Zhu. It can treat both the root and branch of sinking of middle qi due to its raising yang qi action. For chronic diarrhea, prolapse of anus and internal organs, it is combined with qi-tonifying and yang-raising herbs. For instance, it is used with Ren Shen, Sheng Ma and Chai Hu in Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang from Pi Wei Lun. For bleeding syndromes due to spleen deficiency and failure spleen to control blood, or yang exhaustion due to metrorrhagia, blood prostraction caused by sinking of middle qi, it can control blood flowing in vessels through tonifying qi, and it is combined with qi-tonifying, blood-controlling and yang-raising herbs. For instance, it is used with Ren Shen and Bai Zhu in Gui Pi Tang from Ji Sheng Fang, and it is also used with Ren Shen and Sheng Ma in Ju Yuan Jian from Jing Yue Quan Shu. It is also indicated for wasting-thirst due to spleen deficiency and dysfunction of fluid transportation, because it can tonify qi, raise yang and promote fluid transportation, and it is combined with yin-nourishing, fluid-producing and thirst-checking herbs. For instance, it is used with Tian Hua Fen and Ge Gen in Yu Ye Tang from Yi Xue Zhong Zhong Can Xi Lu.

It is indicated for chronic cough and dyspnea, shortness of breath and mental fatigue due to lung deficiency, because it can tonify lung qi. Because it can not relieve cough and dyspnea, it needs to be combined with cough and dyspnea-relieving and phlegm-dispelling herbs, such as Zi Wan, Kuan Dong Hua and Xing Ren. For chronic cough and dyspnea, shortness of breath and mental fatigue due to lung and kidney deficiency, it is combined with lung and kidney tonics, qi reception-improving and dyspnea-relieving herbs, such as Ren Shen and Ge Jie.
B. Syndrome of spontaneous sweating due to qi deficiency

It is a commonly used herb for deficiency sweating syndrome, because it can tonify qi of lung and spleen, strengthen superficies to check sweating. For insecurity of defensive qi, exterior deficiency and spontaneous sweating due to spleen and lung deficiency, it is combined with sweating-astringing herbs. For instance, it is used with Mu Li and Ma Huang Gen in Huang Qi San from Sheng Ji Zhong Lu. For spontaneous sweating, susceptible to wind pathogen due to superficial deficiency caused by insecurity of defensive qi, it is combined with qi-tonifying, superficial-strengthening and wind-dispersing herbs. For instance, it is used with Bai Zhu and Fang Feng in Yu Ping Feng San from Dan Xi Xin Fa.

C. Blood deficiency syndrome, and syndrome of both qi and blood deficiency

It is indicated for blood deficiency syndrome, and both qi and blood deficiency syndrome, because it can supplement blood through tonifying qi and nourish blood directly. It is used in large dosage and combined with blood tonics. For instance, it is used with Dang Gui in Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang from Nan Shi Mi Cang, or used with other blood tonics.

D. Edema and difficult urination due to qi deficiency

It is a key herb for edema, little urine due to spleen deficiency, dysfunction of transportation, water-dampness stagnation, because it can tonify qi, induce diuresis and alleviate edema. It is commonly combined with spleen tonics, edema-alleviating diuretics. For instance, it is used with Bai Zhu, Fu Ling and Fang Ji in Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang from Jin Kui Yao Lue.

E. Sores and ulcers difficult in bursting, or incurable after bursting

It is commended as "the most effective herb for sores and ulcers" because it can dispel toxin to promote skin generation through tonifying qi and blood. It is indicated for middle and latter stage of sores and ulcers. For middle stage of the disease, sores and ulcers difficult in rupture due to qi deficiency with excessive pathogen-toxin which cannot be dispelled; it is commonly combined with qi and blood tonics, heat-toxin-clearing and pus-dispelling herbs. For instance, it is used with Ren Shen, Dang Gui, Sheng Ma and Bai Zhi in Tuo Li Xiao Du San from Yi Zong Jin Jian. For latter stage, ruptured ulcers incurable due to qi and blood deficiency though pathogen-toxin being removed, it is combined with qi and blood tonics, vessels warming and activating herbs. For instance, it is used with Ren Shen, Dang Gui and Rou Gui in Shi Quan Da Bu Tang from He Ji Ju Fang.

Besides, it is indicated for qi deficiency and blood deficiency, hemiplegia, sequela of wind-stroke because it not only activates blood through promoting flow of qi, but also activates blood directly, and it is combined with blood-activating and meridian-smoothing herbs. For instance, it is used with Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong and Di Long in Bu Yang Huai Wu Tang from Yi Lin Gai Cuo. In addition, it can be used for wind, cold and damp arthralgia, chest pain through combinations.

Dosage and Administrations
Decoct 10~15g, 30~60g for large dosage, stir-baked with honey for tonifying qi.

It is contraindicated in cases of exterior excess with excessive pathogen, internal obstruction, yin deficiency with yang hyperactivity, early stage of sores and ulcers of excessive pathogen and no deficiency of heathy qi, because it can tonify qi, raise yang and strengthen superficial.


黃芪 北狄 貝琪 黃琦 黃耆 膜紫蘇根 蒙古奶昔根









它具有補氣健脾的優良作用,是補氣的關鍵。對於因脾虛引起的氣短,乏力,食慾不振和大便稀疏,可與補氣健脾的藥材,如人參,白朮相結合。由於它具有提高陽氣的作用,因此可以治療中氣下沉的根和分支。對於慢性腹瀉,肛門和內臟脫垂,可與補氣養陽藥合用。例如,它與人身,馬勝和柴胡一起使用來自皮維倫的《 Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang》。對於因脾虛,脾失血而導致的失血綜合症,因流失引起的陽虛,中氣下沉引起的血液過長,可通過補氣來控制血管中的血液流動,並與補氣結合,補血養陽草藥。例如,它與紀升坊的歸脾湯中的任神和白竹一起使用,也與任神和聖馬一起使用在《景月全書》中的巨元劍中。它也因脾虛和輸液功能不佳而引起口渴,因為它可以補氣,養陽和促進輸液,並與滋陰,生液和止渴藥合用。例如,它與《易學中中西律錄》中的《雨夜堂》中的田華芬和葛根一起使用。









它被譽為“最有效的瘡和潰瘍草藥”,因為它可以驅散毒素,通過補氣養血,促進皮膚生成。適用於潰瘍和潰瘍的中後期。在疾病的中期,由於氣虛和難以消除的病原體毒素過多而難以破裂的潰瘍和潰瘍;它通常與氣血補虛,清熱解毒,祛膿的草藥合用。例如,它與 人參,當歸,聖馬和白芝一起使用在《易宗金劍》中的托利·肖都·桑中。在後期,雖然去除了病原體毒素,但由於氣血不足而破裂的潰瘍無法治愈,它與氣血補虛,血管增溫和活化草藥結合在一起。例如,它與《河紀聚坊》的《十全大補堂》中的“人神”,“當歸”和“柔歸”一起使用。




Radix Angelicae Sinensis

Chinese Name 
Chinese Pinyin
English Name
 Chinese Angelica
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Angelicae Sinensis Radix
Roots and rhizomes
The dried root of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels (Apiaceae).
Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Gansu, Yunnan, Qinghai.
Macroscopic Features
Whole material is long and slightly cylindrical, lower portion has 3~5 or more branched roots, 15~25cm. Outer skin is thin and dense; externally yellowish-brown or brown, with longitudinal wrinkles and horizontal long lenticels. Head (Gui tou) has 1.5~4cmdiameter, with striations, upper apex is round and blunt, with                     purple or yellowish-green remnants of stem and leaf sheaths. Main root (Gui shen) is thick, short and externally uneven; branched   root (Gui wei) is 0.3~1cm diameter, thick upper part and thin lower part, curved, with small number off rootlets. Soft and pliable texture; fractured surface is yellowish-white or pale yellowish- brown; cortex is thick with cracks and numerous brown spotted secretory cavities; xylem is relatively pale, cambium ring is yellowish -brown. The fractured surface of some rhizomes has pith and a hollow cavity at the center.      
Quality Requirement
Superior medicinal material has thick and long main root, oily and moist, with yellowish- brown  outer skin; full and fleshy with a potent aromatic odor. 
Sweet, acrid; warm.
Supplements the blood, invigorates the blood, regulates menstruation, relieves pain, moistens the intestines, frees the stool. Apply to chlorosis due to hemopenia, vertigo and palpitation, irregular menstrual periods, amenorrhea and painful menstruation, deficiency cold abdominalgia, constipation induced by dryness of the intestine, rheumatic arthralgia, injuries from falls, superficial infection and burns and scalds.

【名稱】 當歸
【拼音】 Danggui
【英文】 Chinese Angelica
【拉丁】 Angelicae Sinensis Radix
【類別】 根及根莖類
【來源】 傘形科植物當歸Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels 的乾燥根。
【產地】 主產甘肅、雲南、青海等地。
【性狀】 全歸長略呈圓柱形,下部有支根3~5條或更多,長15~25cm。外皮細密,表面黃    棕色至棕褐色,具縱皺紋及橫長皮孔。根頭 (歸頭) 直徑1.5~4cm,具環紋,上端圓鈍,有紫色或黃綠色的莖及葉鞘的殘基;主根 (歸身) 表面凹凸不平;支根 (歸尾) 直徑0.3~1cm,上粗下細,多扭,有少數鬚根痕。質柔韌,斷面黃白色或淡黃 棕色,皮部厚,有裂隙及多數棕色點狀分泌腔,木部色較淡,形成層環黃棕色。    木質部色較淡;根莖部分斷面中心通常有髓和空腔。
【品質】 以主根粗長、油潤、外皮黃棕色、肉質飽滿、香氣濃者為佳。
【性味】 甘、辛,溫。
【功效】 補血活血,調經止痛,潤腸通便。用於血虛萎黃、眩暈心悸、月經不調、經閉經、虛寒腹痛、腸燥便秘、風濕痹痛、跌撲損傷、癰疽瘡瘍。

Fructus Schisandrae

Chinese Name
Chinese Pinyin
English Name
Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus
Fruits and seeds
The dried mature fruit of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill.(Magnoliaceae)
Production Regions
Primarily produced in the northeastern regions of China.
Macroscopic Features
Slightly spherical or flat spherical shape, 5~8mm diameter. Externally fresh red, purplish-red or dark red. Oily, with uneven wrinkles. Flesh is soft, numerous pieces often stick together; inside has 1~2 seeds, kidney-shaped, brownish-yellow, lustrous, hard, kernel is white. Flesh has faintly distinctive odor, sour taste. Seed has aroma after being broken, acrid and bitter taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is purplish-red, large, thick, oily and lustrous.
Sour, sweet, warm
Astringes and secures, boosts qi, engenders fluid, supplements kidney, calms heart. Apply to lingering cough and dyspnea due to deficiency, nocturnal emissions and spermatorrhoea, anischuria and urinary frequency, lingering diarrhea, spontaneous perspiration, night sweat, hydrodipsia due to depletion of body fluids, shortness of breath and feeble pulse, feverish dysphoria and diabetes, palpitation and insomnia.

【名稱】 五味子
【拼音】 Wuweizi
【英文】 Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit
【拉丁】 Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus
【類別】 果實及種子類
【來源】 木蘭科植物五味子Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill.的乾燥成熟果實。
【產地】 主產東北地區。
【性狀】 乾燥果實略呈球形或扁球形,直徑5~8mm。外皮鮮紅色,紫紅色或暗紅色。顯油潤,有不整齊的皺縮。果肉柔軟,常數個粘連一起;內含種子1~2枚,腎形,棕黃色,有光澤,堅硬,種仁白色。果肉氣微弱而特殊,味酸。種子破碎後有香氣,味辛而苦。
【品質】 以紫紅色、粒大、肉厚、有油性及光澤者為佳。
【性味】 酸、甘,溫。
【功效】 收斂固澀,益氣生津,補腎寧心。用於久嗽虛喘,夢遺滑精,遺尿尿頻,久瀉不止,自汗,盜汗,津傷口渴,短氣脈虛,內熱消渴,心悸失眠。

Fructus Comi

Chinese Name
Chinese Pinyin
English Name
Common Macrocarpium Fruit
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Corni Fructus
Fruits and seeds
The dried mature fruit of Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc.(Cornaceae).
Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Henan, Zhejiang, Shaanxi.
Macroscopic Features
Irregular flake-like or sac-like pieces. Externally purplish-red to purplish-black, wrinkled, lustrous. Apex has round scar of persistent calyx, base has scar of fruit stem. Soft texture. Faint odor, sour, astringent, slightly bitter taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has thick flesh, purplish-red color, strongly sour taste.
Sour, astringent, slightly warm.
Supplements liver and kidney, astringes essence, secures desertion. Apply to vertigo and tinnitus, cold pain of waist and knees, impotence and seminal emission, anischuria and urinary frequency, metrorrhagia and metrostaxia, exhaustion due to excessive perspiration, feverish dysphoria and diabetes.

【名稱】 山茱萸
【拼音】 Shanzhuyu
【英文】 Common Macrocarpium Fruit
【拉丁】 Corni Fructus
【類別】 果實及種子類
【來源】 山茱萸科植物山茱萸Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc. 的乾燥成熟果肉。
【產地】 主產於河南省、浙江省、陝西省等地。
【性狀】 本品呈不規則的片狀或囊狀。表面紫紅色至紫黑色,皺縮,有光澤。頂端有的有圓形宿萼痕,基部有果梗痕。質柔軟。氣微,味酸、澀、微苦。
【品質】 以皮肉厚,色鮮豔,味酸濃者佳。
【性味】 酸、澀,微溫。
【功效】 補益肝腎,澀精固脫。用於眩暈耳鳴,腰膝酸痛,陽痿遺精,遺尿尿頻,崩漏帶下,大汗虛脫,內熱消渴。

Radix Polygalae

Processed Polygalae Radix
Chinese Name
遠志 (My once upon a very long time.....ago EPA teacher's Chinese name, demand and supply you know? He likes to do Tai Chi in his 20's, again, long time ago, he wrote a Christian book and it got an award, his last name is Wong, I didn't know he's also a Chinese medicine though........surprise!!!)
Hey Yip, talk about the teachers behind the teachers' back again? Are you trying to talk bad things about me?
........Hi Mr. Wong..........long time no see.......what a coincident......had lunch yet? That pork and corn served with rice?.....How's your........sales on your "Yellow Skin Book"?
Are you trying to smear me? You pick up this kind of things pretty fast huh! Do you believe that I'm gong to put a llight demerit on your student record? 
Please don't be mad Mr. Wong.....come on let's do some Tai Chi didn't give me the demerit when I was under your after 20 plus years my hair turned gray you try to do that.....don't you think it's a little ......... to late? I know I have lots of can't record it your can't record can't record it you can't record it the way I just noticed that the "Yellow Skin Book" has changed from a sealed book that shows lots of yellow skin to an internationally-used Yellow "Skin" Book that is the "International Vaccination Certificate" issued by the World Health Organization to protect the health of people entering and leaving the country (border). The content is very cleaned and healthy. 
Chinese Pinyin
English Name
Thinleaf Milkwort Willd.
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Polygalae Radix
Roots and rhizomes
The dried root of Polygala tenuifolia Willd., Polygala sibirica L.(Polygalaceae)
Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Jilin, Henan.
Macroscopic Features
Cylindrical shape, slightly curved, 3~15cm long, 0.3~0.8cm diameter.  Externally grayish-yellow to grayish-brown, with relatively dense and deep  transverse wrinkles, longitudinal wrinkles and crack lines, old roots have relatively dense and deep transverse wrinkles, with a jointed appearance. Hard and brittle texture, easily broken, brownish-yellow cortex at fractured surface, and yellowish-white xylem, cortex is easily peeled off from xylem. Faint odor, bitter, slight acrid taste, irritating to the throat when chewed.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has thick cortex and thick strip.
Bitter, acrid, slightly warm.
Calms spirit, boosts mental faculties, dispels phlegm, disperses swelling. Apply to insomnia and dreaminess due to cardionephric disharmony, morbid  forgetfulness and terrorabsent-minded, uncomfortable expectoration, burns and scalds and swelling, mammary abscess and swelling pain.
Processed Form
Processed yuan zhi: Also called pao yuan zhi, qing yuanzhi. Clean yuan zhi soaked in boiled gan cao water; take out and sun-dry. (wow, are you still okay after all those soaking, boiling and drying, Mr. Wong? It's good that you started practicing Tai Chi since you were young, thank God....Are those called trials and 
 tribulations? Or are they called persecutions? You future best selling 
 God's grace of course) Advanced in calming heart and spirit. Roast yuan zhi: also called honey yuan zhi (does your wife call you that, Mr. Wong?). Clean yuan zhi processed by honey. Advanced in dispelling phlegm and relieving cough.
Technical Terms
'Bone’: This refers to the highly lignified woody portion of some medicinal materials. ‘Core’: this refers to the central portion of medicinal materials that have a different appearance and texture between the center and periphery. ‘Goose feather tube’: this refers to the cortex portion of relatively thick yuan zhi medicinal 
 material that has had its woody core removed; the remaining cortex presents as a 
hollow cylinder or hollow long tube, which is similar in shape to hollow base of a goose’s feather.

【名稱】 遠志 (我以前個EPA錨司嗰個名字。。。黃嘅。。。佢老豆姓。。。鍾意廿幾歲耍。。。太極。。。撮咗本耶穌施。。。都喺黃嘅。。。個封面。。。攞獎咖。。。不過唔知佢連中藥都做埋。。。真係多才多藝。。。嘞)
唔好嬲住。。。嚟嚟嚟。。。等我倍您耍個太極吓。。。以前嚮您哋嘅勢力範圍之下您唔記。。。廿幾年後我頭髮都白晒您先嚟記。。。您覺唔覺得。。。遲咗啲呢?。。。。我知我好多缺點 。。。。。。 不過。。。。。。您記我唔倒您記我唔倒。。。話時話我啱啱先知,原來黃皮書已經由當年專門披露大量黃皮膚嘅膠袋密封書籍演變成依家世界衛生組織為保障入出邊境人員人身健康而發佈嘅《國際預防接種證書》。成份相當健康咖!
【拼音】 Yuanzhi
【英文】 Thinleaf Milkwort Willd.
【拉丁】 Polygalae Radix
【類別】 根及根莖類
【來源】 遠志科植物遠志Polygala tenuifolia Willd.或卵葉遠志Polygala sibirica L. 的乾燥根。
【產地】 主產陝西、山西、吉林、河南等地。
【性狀】 該品呈圓柱形,略彎曲,長3~15cm,直徑0.3~0.8cm。表面灰黃色至灰棕色,較 密並深陷的橫皺紋、縱皺紋及裂紋,老根的橫皺紋較密更深陷,略呈結節狀。質
【品質】 以皮厚、條粗者為佳。
【性味】 苦、辛,微溫。
【功效】 安神益智,祛痰,消腫。用於心腎不交引起的失眠多夢,健忘驚悸神志恍惚
【炙品】 制遠志又名泡遠志、清遠志。為淨遠志在甘草煎液中浸泡後,撈出曬乾入藥者       (嘩!阿黃SIR。。。您仲OKAY嘛?又浸又泡又煎又乾又剩咁。。。好在您年青時已經開始耍太極炙!感謝主!呢啲係咪叫試煉呀阿黃SIR?抑或喺逼迫呢?)。 偏于寧心安神。炙遠志又名蜜遠志。為淨遠志用蜂蜜炙後入藥者。偏於祛痰咳。
【注解】 “骨”:指藥材木質化程度較高的部分。“心”:指藥材中央部分與邊緣部位形態質    地不同的部位。“鵝管志筒”:指較粗的遠志抽取木心後,所余的皮部呈圓筒狀或中空的長管狀,形如鵝翎管。

Rhioma Acori Tatarinowii

Chinese Name   石菖蒲
Chinese Pinyin   Shichangpu
English Name   Tatarinow Sweerflag Rhizome
Latin Pharmaceutical Name   Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma
Category   Roots and rhizomes
Origin   The dried rhizome of Acorus tatarinowii Schott.(Araceae)
Production Regions   Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang.
Macroscopic Features   Flat cylindrical, slightly curved, often has branches, 3~20cm long, 0.3~1cm diameter. Externally brown, brownish-red or grayish-yellow, rough, often branched, internode is 2~8mm long; upper side has slightly triangular leaf scar, left and right alternating arrangment, lower side has spotted root scars, joint sometimes has remnants of hairy scale-like leaf bases. Hard and brittle texture, fractured surface is fibrous, off-white or slightly red; horizontal cut surface has obvious inner cortex ring, often can see “vein spots” and brown oil spots. Aromatic odor, bitter slightly acrid taste.
Quality Requirements   Superior medicinal material is thick, with off-white fractured surface, and potent aromatic odor.
Properties   Acrid, bitter, warm
Functions   Transforms dampness, opens stomach, opens orifices, sweeps phlegm, arouses spirit, sharpens mind. Apply to abdominal fullness and anorexia, aphasic diarrhea, coma epilepsyamnesia and deafness.
Technical Terms   'Veins spots’: This refers to fibers and vascular bundles. After the medicinal material is broken, its fibers or vascular bundles present as uneven filaments that look similar to the tendons and vessels of the human body, thus they are called “veins”. When they appear in an orderly arrangement on the cut surface of the medicinal material, little dotted marks can be seen that are called ‘vein dots (jin mai dian)’. Relatively large marks from vascular bundles area also called ‘vein striations (jin mai wen)’.
【名稱】 石菖蒲
【拼音】 Shichangpu
【英文】 Tatarinow Sweerflag Rhizome
【拉丁】 Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma
【類別】 根及根莖類
【來源】 天南星科植物石菖蒲Acorus tatarinowii Schott.的乾燥根莖。
【產地】 主產江蘇、江西、四川、浙江等地。
【性狀】 根莖呈扁圓柱形,稍彎曲,常有分枝,長3~20cm,直徑0.3~1cm。表面棕褐色、棕紅色或灰黃色,粗糙,多環節,節間長2~8mm;上側有略呈扁三角形的葉痕,左右交互排列,下側有圓點狀根痕,節部有時殘留有毛鱗狀葉基。質硬脆,折斷面纖維性,類白色或微紅色;橫切面內皮層環明顯,可見多數“筋脈點”及棕色油點。氣芳香,味苦、微辛。
【品質】 以條粗、斷面色類白、香氣濃者為佳。
【性味】 辛、苦,溫。
【功效】 化濕開胃,開竅豁痰,醒神益智。用於脘痞不饑,噤口下痢,神昏癲癇健忘耳聾。
【注解】 “筋脈點”:指藥材組織內的纖維或維管束,在整齊的藥材橫切面上,呈現出的點狀痕跡。

Radix Paeoniae Rubra
Chinese Name   赤芍
Chinese Pinyin   Chishao
English Name   Red Paeoniae Trichocarpae
Latin Pharmaceutical Name   Paeoniae Radix Rubra
Category   Roots and rhizomes
Origin   The dried root of Paeonia lactiflora Pall. (Ranunculaceae).
Production Regions  Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of northern east, and inner Mongolia.
Macroscopic Features  Cylindrical, slightly curved, 5~40cm long, 0.5~3cm diameter. Externally brown, rough, with longitudinal grooves and wrinkles, and with rootlet scars and horizontal raised lenticels, some skin easily falls off. Hard and brittle texture, easily broken; fractured surface is pink-white or pink-red. Cortex is narrow, xylem has radial striations; some with cracks. Faintly aromatic odor, slightly bitter sour and astringent taste.
Quality Requirements   Superior medicinal material is thick and strong, with a white fractured surface and a very powdery nature.
Properties   Bitter; slightly cold.
Functions   Clears heat, cools the blood, disperses stasis, relieves pain. Unprocessed Chi shao is advanced on clearing heat and cooling the blood. Apply to body heat and bleeding due to warm-heat disease of heat into blood, red eye and swelling with pain, swollen carbuncles and sore toxin.
Technical Terms   'Messy skin and powdery break’: This refers to the thin outer skin of Chi shao, which is loose and easily falls off; the fractured surface is whitish pink and has a powdery nature.
‘Chrysanthemum center’: this refers to radial striations seen on the fractured surface of medicinal material, which have an appearance similar to an open chrysanthemum flower also called ‘chrysanthemum lines’ (ju hua wen).
【名稱】 赤芍
【拼音】 Chishao
【英文】 Red Paeoniae Trichocarpae
【拉丁】 Paeoniae Radix Rubra
【類別】 根及根莖類
【來源】 毛茛科植物芍藥Paeonia lactiflora Pall.的乾燥根莖。
【產地】 主產東北、內蒙古等地。
【性狀】 該品呈圓柱形,稍彎曲,長5~40cm,直徑0.5~3cm。表面棕褐色,粗糙,有縱溝及皺紋,並有鬚根痕及橫向凸起的皮孔,有的外皮易脫落。質硬而脆,易折斷,斷面粉白色或粉紅色,皮部窄,木部放射狀紋理明顯,有的有裂隙。氣微香,味微苦、酸澀。
【品質】 以根條粗壯、粉性足、斷面粉白色者為佳。
【性味】 苦,微寒。
【功效】 清熱涼血、散瘀止痛的功能。生赤芍以清熱涼血力勝。多用於溫病熱入血分的身熱出血,目赤腫痛,癰腫瘡毒。
【注解】 “糟皮粉碴”:指赤芍外皮薄,疏鬆易剝落,斷面白色泛紅,呈粉性。

Processed Polygonum Multiflorum
Chinese Name   何首烏
Chinese Pinyin   Heshouwu
English Name   Tuber Fleeceflower Root
Latin Pharmaceutical Name   Polygoni Multiflori Radix
Category   Roots and rhizomes
Origin   The dried tubular root of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.(Polygonaceae)
Production Regions   Primarily produced in Shaanxi, southern Gansu, and the eastern, central, southern and southwestern regions of China.
Macroscopic Features   Lumps or irregular fusiform. Externally reddish-brown, wrinkled, with shallow grooves, and long transverse raised lenticels and thin scars of root. Heavy, firm texture, difficult to break. Fractured surface is pale yellowish-brown or pale reddish-brown, powdery; cortex has 4~11 abnormal vascular bundles, with a cloudy brocade pattern, central xylem is relatively large, sometimes with a woody center. Faint odor; slightly bitter and sweet and astringent.
Quality Requirements   Superior medicinal material has heavy, firm texture.
Properties   Bitter, sweet, astringent; warm.
Functions   Resolves toxin, disperses swelling-abscesses, stops malaria, moistens intestines, frees stools. Apply to sores and abscesses, scrofula, wind rash and pruritus, deficiency due to chronic malaria, constipation induced by dryness of the intestine.
Processed Form Zhi he shou wu: Irregular wrinkled lumps, externally black-brown or brown, uneven surface. Firm texture, fractured surface is horny, brown or black. Faint odor; slightly sweet and astringent taste. Property is bitter, sweet, astringent; slightly warm; belongs to liver, heart and kidney channels.
Technical Terms 'Cloudy brocade pattern’: This refers to numerous abnormal vascular bundles on the cortex of the tuberous root’s horizontally cut surface, which form a pattern similar to the shape of clouds, also called ‘cloud lines (yun wen)’.
【名稱】 何首烏
【拼音】 Heshouwu
【英文】 Tuber Fleeceflower Root
【拉丁】 Polygoni Multiflori Radix
【類別】 根及根莖類
【來源】 蓼科植物何首烏Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.的乾燥塊根。
【產地】 主產於陝西、甘肅省南部、華東、華中、華南、西南等地。
【性狀】 團塊狀或不規則紡錘形。表面紅棕色或紅褐色,皺縮不平,有淺溝,並有橫長皮  孔樣突起和細根痕。體重,質堅實,不易折斷。斷面淺黃棕色或淺紅棕色,顯粉性,皮部有4~11個類例形異型維管束環列,形成雲錦狀花紋,中央水部較大,有的呈木心。氣微,味微苦而甘澀。
【品質】 以體重,質堅實為佳。
【性味】 苦、甘、澀。
【功效】 解毒,消癰,截瘧,潤腸通便。用於瘡癰,瘰鬁,風疹疲癢,久瘧體虛,腸燥便秘。
【炙品】 炙何首烏:不規則皺縮狀的塊片,表明黑揭色或棕褐色,凹凸不平。質堅硬,斷面角質樣,棕褐色或黑色。氣微,味微甘而苦澀。性味苦、甘、澀,微溢、歸肝、心、腎經。
【注解】 “雲錦花紋”: 指中藥何首烏橫切面皮部環列4~11個類圓形異型複合維管束,如同散列的雲朵狀花紋,並具色彩,習稱“雲錦花紋”。

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