Sunday, August 30, 2020


其實生咗個女之後洗咩幫佢改名炙,求其叫咩呀,乜水呀,冇名呀咪算囉,橫掂第時嫁咗之後個姓都冇埋嫁啦,啲人咪用佢老公個姓加個太字或者師奶呀咁囉,如果嫁知名人士仲衰,成個名冇晒,用佢老公成個名代替咗佢個名,然後加夫人兩個字,稱呼佢兩公婆呢就淨喺用佢老公個名,然後加伉儷兩個字,啲人當我哋啲女人透明嫁! 仲話伉儷伉儷,我宜家抗議呀!反抗呀! 曉唔曉呀?麻甩! 你哋又臭又牛精又冇用,淨喺捐精,啲女人就生仔生到死死吓,個B一出嚟仲要跟你姓,公平咩?都離曬罩嫁! 你哋只不過喺舊款嘅人類嚟咋,女人先喺最新款嘅改良版呀!
Why do we have to give a name to a daughter? We should just call them no name. She will lose her last name after she gets married anyway. People will call her Mrs. then her husbands' last name. Why did you raise her for so many years, people don't even recognize your efforts, is that called unconditionally love? If people want to address them as a couple, their husband's name is going to completely take over, Mr. and Mrs., then her husband's intrusive aggressive boundary-crossing whole name is going to be in the way without even mentioning your beloved daughter. People don't even admit the existence of your daughter, your son in law basically replace her as a human being in the society. Since I'm still single and can call me by my own name, I'm protesting against these stupid sexist rules before I completely stupidly lose my identity and my existence. Also the children that we are having,  why do they have to use the husband's last name? The man is theoretically just a sperm donor, the woman is the one who risks her life to give birth! That is sexisticly, retardedly unfair! The man gets the prizes without paying any effort and he even gets more prizes during the production processes. The man gets everything good while the woman gets stretch marks, lose skin, fat belly, spots, months to years of freedom, and possibly incontinence. Do you
 have the adult diapers ready for me, my man?

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