Tuesday, August 18, 2020


My upstairs neighbors have been ruining my ceiling and making the noise and threatening me every single day. I have cement and concrete flaking off, cracks in the ceiling and above the windows. Also I have water damages in my rental apartment. It was like raining from the ceiling several days ago when I went to the bathroom. They hammer, drill, roll back and forth with something that has wheels, drag things on the floor, run back and forth with heavy foot steps, scratch the floor, took away the signal from the TV (possibly stole some cables), knock on the floor, jump off something and hit the floor, put two scratches on the outside wall next to the stairs, they played on my door lock, unlocked the gate lock etc etc. Their threatening statements (all in Cantonese) have been: install it yourself if you want to watch TV (hammer noise then no signal right after), make you lose your peace forever, disturb you until you leave, why set up such atmosphere when she lives all by herself, we already killed one of her plants, let us keep on doing it then they continued to run around, attack you with smoke and injected cigarette smoke into my place, they yawned loudly at the hallway and said singing the same song the whole time, announced that she lives all by herself in the apartment, she is not asleep yet, I keep waking her up and she does not, she uses the fan to block our noise, sleep till so late, I will make this side as damaged as the other side, let me steal it, let me crawl in and kill all your plants, says you deserve it when I fail doing something, after I typed in my password they yelled upstairs saying that we stole it, let me stop it when I started uploading a video, let me delete it after I uploaded a video etc etc. I already called the police many times and they cannot stop them nor arrest them even after they came several times already. One of them even searched through my wallet and said he just wanted to investigate. I said he was invading my privacy, he should investigate my neighbors instead of me. The moment he came in, he or someone used his voice saying the Chief Executive of Hong Kong told him that what I heard was not reliable because I was part of the voice hearing group. I never even went to that group once, only a social worker asked me to go and help the other victims out. Eventhough the voice or noises are made by the technology, it is still a crime and that is even a bigger and more difficult case they have to investigate. He asked me if I was single. I wrote down all the threatening statements I heard from my neighbors and asked them to keep it, they gave the note back to me. I told them my neighbors did it on purpose to ruin the properties and they hammered the apartment upstairs above me wherever I was located. I heard the hammering noise in the bathroom and the concrete immediately fell onto the fake ceiling and it was like raining a couple days ago when I went to the bathroom. I told them I had been repairing the holes and after I filled the holes in the ceiling, they hammered so much upstairs it cracked again before the cement dried so I had to repair them again. I even showed them the pictures how the concrete and rebars were exposed and damaged. That specific policeman still said that my neighbors did not break the law. I think that specific policeman is corrupted. I told them my previous upstairs and same floor neighbors possibly followed me from my previous rental place to this place or they were from the same group of people, those neighbors used to break in to steal my money and belongings and do whole bunch of damages. I lost over 20000HKD from that place. I even told him my previous address and that specific policeman said they could not investigate due to privacy reason, I said if they were committing a crime, he could investigate. I called 999 again and that lady operator said they had to refer it to the police in my district and they could not process it over there. Then I called 999 again, the other lady answered the call, I explained to her this was criminal damage if they did it on purpose to ruin the apartments, and possibly deliberately harmed my body because I could get sick by inhaling the concrete and cement or injured by the falling concrete. This time she said she would pass along the message to the local police, then the other policewoman called and said the police will come up and patrol this building on regular basis from that point on. I asked them did they need me to open the downstairs gate for them and they said they already had a way to open the gate.

My blog has been changed sometimes without my consent, and it take me over 24 hours to upload each of the following around one minute videos. Yesterday after 18 hour, the video was uploaded for only 20 something percent when I checked again after I came back home. Then I heard the voice from upstairs saying let me log in again, then the uploading speed suddenly sped up to uploaded over 50 percent. The uploading seems to stop when I am not watching. That means someone has possibly hacked into my account even after I have changed my password many many times.

I will be uploading another video, i cannot do it now because when I upload video on youtube the internet does not allow me to do anything else on it including blogging.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ  please pray the God our Heavenly Father  will solve all the problems for me including my academic, school situation, my living situation and my career and my health (I coughed myself up this morning and several other times possibly because of the dust they produced, and the psychotronic satanic attacks are still hurting my body here and there, stopping me from sleeping, making me itch and pee myself sometimes and nobody can control them except God Himself).  I am still unemployed and I still cannot finish school because of my ability, my finance and my difficult situation. My problems are so overwhelming that no human can handle them but God. It is a spiritual warfare for sure. My enemies have been controlled by satan. Lots or I should even say all of them act like demon possessed. They spend all their times and energy just to ruin my life. Please pray in Jesus Christ Name for me. Thank you and God bless.

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