Sunday, August 23, 2020


我講過我嘅事唔需要佢哋理,為咗證明佢哋同個武器遊戲有用不停騷擾我侵犯我私隱,又不停咁犯錯,我做咩有我自己原因有上帝嘅時間,完全與佢哋無關,佢哋當我個上帝同聖靈喺死嘅,自作聰明自以為是,頻頻估錯頻頻出錯,明知個遊戲邪恶仲同佢哋同流合污,頻頻害我,叫佢哋同個遊戲武器一齊摺埋好過啦。They create the poisons, pretend to create the medicines and pretend to help me in order to deceive others that they are good and try to prove that they are better than our Heavenly Father, that is exactly what satan has been doing. They even manipulate children to harm me. What an evil crowd.

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