Thursday, August 20, 2020


Once upon a time, there was an angel created by our Heavenly Father thought too much of himself, so he and his buddies rebelled against God and lost the war in Heaven. They got kicked out (Isaiah 14:12-17) and immediately they all became ghosts and evil spirits. The whole gang have been deceiving people in order to stop us from going to Heaven so as  to rebel against God. In the future, this fallen angel is going to be thrown into the lake of fire to get tormented day and night eternally (Revelation 20:10). This return-good-with-evil antiChrist's name was Lucifer. We call him and the people who worship him LuLu in Cantonese, it means deadly stupid.
從前有一個上帝創造嘅天使自高自大背叛神,佢同佢啲同伴天使打輸咗仗俾上帝趕出天堂(以塞亞書14:12-17),跟住就變曬做鬼嘞,之後佢同啲同黨邪靈繼續背叛上帝迷惑人, 等人上唔到天堂,喺將來佢會俾上帝扔入火湖永遠不停咁受折磨(啟示錄20:10)。 呢個忘恩負義嘅基督敵人個名從前叫做Lucifer, 我哋叫佢同拜佢嘅人做LuLu(唔喺當,佢哋直頭喺), 意思喺"死蠢"。

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