Tuesday, May 19, 2020


嗰啲污糟嘢,尤其是隻臭蜆成日將我腦裏面諗嘅嘢大聲讀出嚟然後話好彩我哋提你啫,撒旦就喺咁嘅鬼,成日以為自己叻過上帝,好心啦,自己都喺上帝造嘅,背叛佢都唔夠,仲要搶佢功勞,偷屬於佢嘅靈魂,叫佢慳啲順便摺埋啦,不自量力, 提我嗰個喺聖靈呀,主耶穌勁過嗰隻旦多多聲啦。
Those psycho attackers kept speaking out loud what was in my mind and said it was them who reminded me. Satan is just like that, always thinks that he is better than Heavenly Father. He forgot even he was created by God, he did not only rebel against  Him, he tried to take God's credits, stole the souls that belonged to Him; the One Who reminded me was The Holy Spirit. I think satan and all his helpers should shut up and hide himself, the fire from Heaven especially for them is near. They thought too much of themselves, Jesus Christ is so much better than them that He has been making them look really bad.

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