Thursday, May 21, 2020


去西餐廳食嘢,尤其同妳條識咗冇耐嘅仔去,最緊要唔好拘泥煩人肉節。。。繁文縟節, 唔好理人點睇,落手落腳,親力親為,如果唔喺食唔到骨之間同黐住骨嗰啲肉咁咪蝕底曬!正一傻豬豬嚟嘅!
手指公規條: 當你食嘢嘅時候妳將會由閨秀變怪獸,撮盡全力利用妳面前所見到嘅所有去吸納最多嘅營養, 食完之後再變番龜獸都唔遲。一個男人。
When you go to a high end restaurant, especially when you go with your new boyfriend, do not worry about manners that much, do not care about what other people think, you have to use your hands and direct contacts, or else you cannot eat the meat in between and the meat that sticks to the bones. Then you lose, you silly head!
Rule of thumb: Remember, when you eat you are a beast, you are not a lady anymore, Get the most nutrients from what you have in front of you. After the meal, you can change back to whatever you want. A MAN.

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