Monday, May 25, 2020


Because I have been a victim of remote neural monitoring, people have been stealing info from my brain, hearing, vision on regular basis for years, so sevenfold everyone has to pay me. And you know what? As what Jesus has said, go and sin no more!
賊仔賊女們,你哋唔喺唔知咩叫做知識產權吓話?唔好再犯罪喇,撈番正行啦! 如果呢份喺你哋嘅 part-time, quit 咗佢啦,做好D你份FullTime仲好啦,如果你要賺外快幫小朋友補吓習賺錢仲好啦,何必偷同破壞我呢個阿婆嘅嘢呢?我失業咖,有時仲食都冇得食,你哋有錢過我好多啦,唔好再咁貪心同陰毒喇!
 Proverbs 6:30–31
People do not despise a thief
If he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving.
Yet when he is found, che must restore sevenfold;
He may have to give up all the substance of his house.
箴言 6:30-31
 賊因飢餓偷竊充飢,人不藐視他,  若被找著,他必賠還七倍,必將家中所有的盡都償還。
贼 因 饥 饿 偷 窃 充 饥 , 人 不 藐 视 他 ,若 被 找 着 , 他 必 赔 还 七 倍 , 必 将 家 中 所 有 的 尽 都 偿 还 。

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