Friday, May 29, 2020


今日有兩隻大白鳥嚮我下面飛過呀! 等埋我呀,鳥鳥,我啱啱學飛喺慢啲嫁喇! 我哋嚟緊呢站去邊呀?不如去歐洲啦! 我想睇啲西人雕塑壁畫,佢哋好似好靚咁呀! 咩話? 你哋太攰?咁先停長城故宮桂林嗰啲做中途站啦,唔洗直航嘅。好唔好呀? 咦你哋又會識聽廣東話嘅? 哦,因為你哋浸過鹹水周遊列國,所以咩都識啲。。。
Today there were two big white birds flying under me! Hey big birdies, wait for me, I'm kind of slow because I just start learning how to fly. What's our next stop? Can we go to Europe first? I heard that the western people  sculptures and murals are beautiful! What? You guys are too tired? It doesn't have to be direct flight, we can stop by Great Wall, Forbidden City, Guilin those places first. How's that sound? Hey where did you guys learn English, I can't believe you can speak English so well! I'm impressed...Oh I see, you've been studying overseas and travelling around the world, that's why...
Conclusion: Close your books and fly!!! 

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