Wednesday, May 27, 2020


They plucked out the little new leaves just came out of my plant (different from the one they stole from yesterday) and buried them in the soil. They stole the other parts of the plants and destroyed the things that God gave me. They have been destroying God's creations as well. They have been breathing in the fresh free (to them) oxygen produced by my plants and they have been destroying the things that keep them alive. Photosynthesis has been taught in our elementary school, do not tell me they do not know.
P.S. God and me have been using our resources to support them by keeping them alive. And they return our favors with revenges.
D攻擊者擇咗啱啱生出嚟嘅BB葉埋葬嚮D泥土度,佢哋偷咗植物其他部份同毁壞緊上帝嘅創造。佢哋呼吸緊由我D植物製造出嚟嘅免費 (對佢哋嚟講) 清新氧氣,而同時間佢哋殺死緊D維持佢哋生命嘅植物。光合作用喺小學自然科學教的,唔好話俾我聽佢哋唔知。
備註: 換句話說,上帝同我用我哋嘅資源養緊佢哋,維持緊佢哋生命。而佢哋恩將仇報。

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