Monday, May 18, 2020


媽媽用電話偷拍小肥妹玩熊仔,俾小肥妹發現咗,於是小肥妹用個肥嘴仔話:唔好膶腸,唔好膶腸呀! 然後用對豬脚仔跑去媽媽度,數十聲後再用隻肥手仔揞住個鏡頭。
Mommy was secretly shooting little chubby playing with teddy bear with her cell phone, little chubby found out, said with her chubby little lips ,'don't take picture, don't take picture!' Then she ran to her mommy with her chubby little legs, counted from 1 to 10, and used her chubby little hand to cover the lens.

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