Saturday, May 9, 2020


尋日有個阿嬋一個大發泡膠箱車埋我個背脊度, 仲話我好眉好貌(我當時戴住口罩)應該去做雞搵食喎! 嘩! 乜咁誇獎我呀! 咁嗰塊嘢喺唔喺妳賠呀?最少值成億英鎊嫁!
Yesterday this female dog threw a big styrofoam box onto my back and said I was so pretty (I was wearing a mask) that I should earn my living as a hooker. She is so kind, I am not that good looking. By the way, is she going to repay me when I lose that piece? It costs at least a billion GBP!

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