Friday, May 15, 2020


我今日俾D污糟嘢先整痛我喉嚨,再挍我個卵巢,我大聲鬧要佢哋走,個看更把聲話我嗌到拆天都冇用因為我平時對人唔好喎,嗰D所謂人除咗攞我着數之外一次都冇幫過我,嗰把看更聲可能唔識英文以為我向周圍D人求救,我只喺鬧走佢同向上帝祈禱,唔知就收嗲啦! 仲有呀,我臨出門口個看更把聲仲話千祈唔好,佢今次會好快翻嚟,唔知佢同D賊講呀抑或同爆格D人講呢?呢個看更我第一次見。呢次唔喺第一次我聽到佢哋喺我出門,喺屋企甚至喺街上通風報訊例如:佢準備出門口,佢帶咗I D,佢帶咗個xxx袋,佢去緊邊等等等等。
Today those psycho attackers first hurt my throat, then they hurt my ovary. So I yelled at them to cast them away,I also prayed to God to stop them. The security downstairs, I should say his voice said because I did not treat others well, that was why nobody cared even I screamed loudly. Those so called someone other than taking advantage of me, they never even helped me out once, maybe the security did not speak English and that was why he thought I screamed to ask the people around for help. I only yelled at the attackers and ask God to help, if he did not know anything he should have kept mouth shut. Also, the security voice said when I left the door,'do not do that, she's going to come back very soon this time.' Was he talking to the thieves or the burglars? This was the first time I saw this security. This was not the first time I heard something like that. I heard different people said,'she's getting ready to leave,' 'she brought her ID,' 'she got .....with her,' etc.etc.

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