Saturday, September 19, 2020


 我點解四十幾歲重要我老豆養同埋周圍乞? 咪多得你哋囉! 擺我入個武器度等人Mon我所有嘢,咩商業秘密都冇曬啦,一喺就話國家政策我成十年都唔可以合法做嘢,番到出生地可以合法嘞又有鬧我要老豆養嘅人阻撓我搞破壞唔俾我做嘢,原因喺我要老豆養,用吓你哋個腦啦,我有份好工點洗老豆養呀,咁基本嘅邏輯都搞到掉轉咗,要鬧就鬧你哋自己啦! 根本就揾藉口趕絕我。記住呀,你哋先喺罪魁禍手呀! 我廿幾歲已經經濟獨立,唔喺後來你哋用個武器同不停咁搞破壞偷同搶用曬我啲錢我跟本就唔會搞成咁,唔止搞喎我事業,仲傷害我身體,咁你哋同犯罪集團有咩分別呀? 好在有上帝,唔喺我巳經死咗好第耐喇! 仲有呀,你哋偷我資料IDEAS偷咗十六年喇,幾時停止偷同幾時還呀?

Why does my dad have to provide for me and I have to beg around for food when I am already in my forties? Ask yourselves. You put me under the attacks of psychotronic weapon to monitor me 24/7, any confidentiality will become unconfidential. When I was in US, for almost 10 years, I was told I was not allowed to work in the country legally. Now I came back to my birth place where I can legally work, people who yell at me for having to be supported by my dad create whole bunch of obstacles and manipulations try to stop me from working. The reason is because I am supported by my dad. Use your brain, if I have a good job, why do I still need my dad to support me? You cannot even figure out such simple logic and end up twisting it around. You should yell at yourselves instead. You guys are just looking for excuses to knock me down, try to make me a big failure. Remember, you guys are my problems. I had been financially independent since I was in my twenties, if it is not because afterward you guys put me under the weapon attacks and nonstop stealing, ruining,robbing and destroying, I would never have to live like this. You are not only ruining my career, you even physically harming my body. Ask yourselves, what is the difference between you guys and the gangsters or criminals? It is good that I have Yahweh my Heavenly Father, otherwise I would have died already! Also, you guys have been stealing my info and my.ideas for 16 years, when are you going to stop stealing and when are you going to repay me?

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