Thursday, September 24, 2020


Rose Noire A Legend Giorgio Valenti Paris

Alcohol Denat. (SD Alcohol 39-C)-kill the COVID 19 and other germs
AQUA(water), Parfum (Fragrance)-Hey girl, you smell so good!

Coumarin is a natural volatile active compound found in many plants, e.g. cinnamon (Burfield, 2008; Sproll, Ruge, Andlauer, Godelmann, & Lachenmeier, 2008). Coumarins exhibited ANITUMOR activities at different stages of cancer formation through various mechanisms, such as blocking cell cycle, inducing cell apoptosis, modulating estrogen receptor, or inhibiting the DNA-associated enzymes, such as topoisomerase (Emami and Dadashpour, 2015). Coumarins also have ANTIMICROBOTIC, ANTIINFLAMMATORY, ANTIBACTERIAL INFECTION, VASODILATORY AND ANTIVIRAL activities (Antimicrobials from herbs, spices, and plants by Tarik Bor, ... Salam A. Ibrahim, in Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs, 2016). Sciencedirect 

Geraniol is a monoterpenoid and an alcohol. It is one of the 200 terpenes produced by the cannabis genome. It is the primary component of rose oil, palmarosa oil, and citronella oil (Understanding Terpenes: Geraniol
and Wikipedia). It has potential efficacy for major diseases like cancer and diabetes and conditions such as pain, inflammation, and bacterial infections. The anti-inflammatory powers of geraniol make it an effective element in the fight against a variety of diseases based in or strongly characterized by this condition. This includes arthritis, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis. Geraniol has also demonstrated efficacy against hyperglycemia, fungal infections, and ulcers. Its proven antioxidant and neuroprotective properties mean that it may be an effective tool against diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons. (Understanding Terpenes: Geraniol)香葉醇(Geraniol)是玫瑰油、馬丁香油和香茅油等香精油的主要成分之一,也少量存在於天竺葵和檸檬中(維基百科)。香葉醇對醫治及防止癌症,糖尿病,痛症,發症炎,細菌感染都有相當嘅功效。其亦有效防止及治療高血糖,真菌感染及潰瘍等症狀。再加上Geraniol有抗氧化及神經系統之保護能力能有效地延緩甚至防止柏金遜症及老人癡呆症。

Alpha Isomethyl Ionone
Alpha-isomethyl ionone (or Methyl Ionone) is a colorless fragrance material with a powdery, woody and floral scent, very similar to violet and orris. (INGREDIENT Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone by Lush). It maybe a potential skin irritant to small number of people. If you are not sure, ask a physician.
Alpha Isomethyl Ionone 是一種粉狀無色的香芬材料。它帶有木香及花香, 氣味跟紫羅蘭及黛尾花相似。此成份有可能對少數人做成皮膚敏感,如有疑問請向醫生查詢。

Butylphenyl Methylpropional
is a chemical compound commonly used as a perfume in cosmetic preparations and laundry powders (Wikipedia). Butylphenyl methylpropional is an aldehyde, which is a family of ingredients that can either be natural or synthetic. Rose, citronella, cinnamon bark, and orange rind all contain natural aldehydes. (Butylphenyl Methylpropional by The Dermatology Review). The SCCS (Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety) concludes that, “on individual product basis, Butylphenyl Methylpropional with alpha-tocopherol at 200 ppm, can be considered safe when used as fragrance ingredient in different cosmetic leave-on and rinse-off type products”.  Pregnant ladies should consult with your physician before using products that contain this ingredient.
Butylphenyl Methylpropional 是一種有強烈花味的化合物,是製造香水化妝品甚至洗衣粉的常用材料。它是一種aldehyde,aldehyde是有合成或天然的。玫瑰,香茅,肉桂皮,橙皮都有天然aldehyde成份。根據SCCS的結論,
若產品包含的Butylphenyl Methylpropional混合維他命E在200PPM濃度以下是可以安全地用作留在皮膚上或洗掉的化妝美容產品之香薰成份的。 如已懷孕,請在使用含有此成份產品前資詢醫生。

Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxyaldehyde
Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, also called HMPCC, is a clear, colorless liquid with a delicately sweet, light, floral odor. In cosmetics and personal care products, Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde is used in the formulation of aftershave lotions, bath products, bubble baths, hair conditioners, moisturizers, perfumes and colognes, skin care products and suntan products. It is used as a fragrance ingredient. Products that contain this ingredient should not be used by a baby, it should not be used on the lips nor eye areas (THE SCIENCE & SAFETY BEHIND YOUR FAVORITE PRODUCTS).

Citronellol, or dihydrogeraniol, is a natural acyclic monoterpenoid. Both enantiomers occur in nature. (+)-Citronellol, which is found in citronella oils, including Cymbopogon nardus (50%), is the more common isomer. (−)-Citronellol is found in the oils of rose (18–55%) and Pelargonium geraniums (Wikipedia). Citronellol is a colorless oily liquid usually present in the essential oils of Citronella oil, Geranium, Muscatel sage and Sandalwood. The essential oils of Rose, Lemongrass, Tagetes, Neroli, Chamomile, Basil and Lavender also constitutes of Citronellol. It has also been found that Citronellol is a volatile component of orange juice, bilberry, lemon peel oil, guava, red wine, nutmeg, white wine, black tea, green tea, mango, plum brandy and star anise.   Citronellol is a pale viscous liquid with a sweet floral aroma of rose and owns a bitter taste. It possesses a floral rosy and fresh citrus flavor. It is used as a fragrance enhancer in perfumery as it enhances the fragrances of floral types, especially rose. Because of its aroma and flavour, it is used in cosmetics soaps, shampoos, moisturizers, skin and hair care products, colognes, shaving creams, after shave lotion and bath products. It is used in beverages for its flavor. Citronellol has antimicrobial, antifungal, antispasmodic and anticonvulsant activities.   (THERAPEUTIC BENEFITS OF CITRONELLOL).
香茅醇是一種天然有機化合物,存在於多種植物精油以及一些水果中,屬於類萜。其兩種對映異構體在自然界中均有分布:R--香茅醇, 存在於香茅油 ;而S-香茅醇存在於薔薇屬植物中,以及天竺葵屬植物等(維基百科)。它有着玫瑰花,柑橘味道,它能提升香水中花香, 特別是玫瑰。Citronellol 有防菌,防真菌,抗痙攣,抗驚厥之功效。

Like most botanical terpenes, Linalool is not specific to any one plant. You've no doubt encountered linalool if you've ever smelled lavender, either fresh, dried, or in the form of an essential oil. Linalool can be found in upwards of 200 plants, ranging from:  
Lamiaceae (lavender, mints, scented herbs),Lauraceae (laurels, cinnamon, rosewood),Rutaceae (citrus fruits),FungiBirch trees
Linalool has a floral aroma similar to lavender with a touch of spiciness that lends to its many commercial applications in creams and oils. Linalool is an Anti-Inflammatory and Pain Reducer: Linalool is useful for dampening overractive responses to injury or sickness; an Anti-Epileptic:  Linalool is "very powerful in it's anticonvulsant quality", a stress Reducer: Linalool inhalation has been shown to act as an anxiolytic (anxiety reducer) and may boost immune system performance; a Vampire Deterrent: Linalool can deter mosquitos with 93% efficiency;a Sedative: Linalool can improve sleep and increase energy the following morning; an Anti-Microbial Modulator: Linalool may improve anti-microbial properties. Linalool can have cytotoxic effects by inducing cells to undergo apoptosis and triggering cell death. The majority of studies pertaining to the monoterpenoid linalool are typically focused on its capacity to suppress microorganisms, with few having endeavored to research aspects of its ANTI-CANCER activity. Linalool offers tremendous potential in terms of treating cancer and immunity. We believe that this substance can substantially ENHANCE TUMOR TREAMENTS and provide novel starting points for FUTURE CANCER RESEARCHES.
Linalool 可舒緩減壓,抗癫癇症,防炎止痛,殺菌驅蚊,更可以治病同防癌。

Cinnamyl Alcohol
Cinnamyl alcohol is an aromatic alcohol, and as the name suggests it can be found naturally from the cinnamon tree, daffodil flowers, hyacinth, and tea-tree. Although it can be produced synthetically with similar therapeutic outcome. It comes as a pale-yellow liquid.  
It is mainly used as a fragrance ingredient because of pleasant hyacinth like aroma. It is also used as a flavoring agent. It is primarily used in toiletries, fragrances, and perfumes. It's used as an anti-aging agent, and skin whitening agent is still under research. (Lesielle)
肉桂醇是肉桂,水仙花,風信子及茶樹其中一種成份,多用作香薰用途,製造洗漱用品,香水,香薰的成份之一。Cinnamyl Alcohol已被用作抗衰老產品用途,致於美白用途還在研究中。

Goodyear Perfume Centre & Pharmacy 合成香水中心藥品

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