Thursday, September 17, 2020


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, could you please pray for me? I think my skin has been aging and scarring pretty speedily these days, possibly because of the radiation and attacks I have been exposed to from the psychotronic weapon. Plus poor nutrition and air quality can be other factors. I gained wrinkles beside my nose and mouth and some under my eyes. I also have quite a lot of spots on my face. My skin has been getting pretty yellowish dark. I think Jesus Christ can be my best beauty consultant and dermatologist. Let's face it, guys like pretty girl and I am still single. I want to look the best for my future husband. And a healthy body and appearance can honor God. My body is His Temple right? Please pray in Jesus name that I will have smooth, clear, fair and healthy skin and a healthy body of course. Thank you. God bless.

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