Thursday, May 14, 2020


老公你日理萬機,成日都喺我瞓著後先返嚟瞓,又喺我瞓醒之前就已經出咗去,仲忙到從來都冇俾家用,辛苦你喇老公,我知你咁善忘都喺為咗我哋嘅將來,我會體諒你嘅,你唔想我做嘢都喺為我好唔想我咁辛苦,你愛我我喺知道嘅,你就喺一個咁溫柔體貼嘅男人。我最近都幾好,靜喺件衫穿咗一個你個頭咁大嘅窿炙,日日都可以執垃圾食,我哋依家住緊呢個天橋底風涼水冷,地方又夠寬敞,我好鍾意呀! 希望可以幫輕吓你,你唔洗咁擔心我㗎喇,專心追求你嘅事業同理想啦!努力呀老公,我等你嘅好消息。
Love Note: 
Honey I know that your company grows so fast that you always come back after I fall asleep and out for work before I wake up. You are so busy to even pay bills, you are such a hard working man. I know that you become so forgetful only for our future, I understand. And you do not want me to have a job so that I can live a comfortable life, that is how sweet you are. I am living a good life right now, I can pick up garbage to eat and I love living under this bridge, it is so spacious that I enjoy it a lot. I know that will take a little burden off your shoulders. So you do not have to worry about me, just focus on fighting for your career. Keep up the good works, honey, I am waiting for your good news.
The one who loves you always.

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