Saturday, May 8, 2021


5 days in a row the psychotronic weapons have been pulling my skin in my right face around my eyes and even scalp. Before they started doing that I asked someone who has lots of wrinkles to eat more protein for collagen and stay out of the sun. Just because I care. Then the voice of Eminem from the weapon said I still do not have cross feet then the weapons started pulling my face around my eyes. He used the excuse saying that he wanted me to look like the wrinkly person I talked to. Then he also said Logan Paul also did that before around my mouth. The weapon did both around my mouth and my eye before many times. They even lied to me saying I just felt like someone's pulling on my "virtual" body but it does not happen. Even yesterday they were using the voice of the news reporter on TV to tell me the same lie. I gained lines and wrinkles since they started manipulating my face. I even called the police and they sent me to the hospital and,left me there. The doctor could not do anything about it. Imagine, someone keeps stabbing you with a knife invisibly even next to the doctor, what can or she do, he stitches it and the weapon wound, he stitches it and the weapons wound again.......etc. etc......So police from all over the world, FBI, CIA, any government agencies, United Nations, organizations who are supposed to protect human beings, please hunt down the attackers, witches /wizard and cult members if they are applicable and stop this wickedness, destroy the weapons and do some arrests if possible, please? Theoretically, they are intentionally harming others or even murder which means they are breaking the law. 

Please pray to God to eliminate the ruthlessness ie attacking people invisibly (with psychotronic weapons, technologies, demons and witchcrafts) without having to take any bad consequence e.g. legal responsibilities. They try to act God but yet they work against God and they are unstoppable. Please pray that God will cast away all evil spirits and their manipulations from my life permanently. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you and God bless.

I currently feel the skin around my right eye is droopier compared to my left, I even saw the lines are deeper as well. Yesterday, the weapons used the voice of President Bidon on the news to say that Obama was the one who put me in the game (psychotronic weapons) because he was the one who started the "Brain Project" in United States when I was living there, then the weapons told me it was Donald Trump because 2017 (the year Donald Trump became US President) which was the year when they started hurting my body (including sudden severe pain in my organs and pustles all over my body which left scars) with the weapons. 



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