Sunday, May 9, 2021


 The girl from upstairs constantly stay right above me, other than stealing my info (contact the people that I am going to see, lie about me,  and put obstacles in front of me) she jumps, scratches, hammers and bangs on the floor to make the concrete fall onto my head and body to ruin my skin and hair and possibly my lungs. She works with the psychotronic weapons to hurt my body. Last night as the weapon was hurting my skin, I went out to the living room to sleep, I heard some noise from upstairs in my bedroom, when I came back into the room, there was whole bunch of concrete dust on my bed right on the spot where I usually put my pillow. People keep lying that she is gone, but once in a while I can still hear her voice, her heavy foot steps and see all the manipulations that she has been using to disturb and hurt my body, no change. Last night someone opened my fridge and put a cockroach in when I woke up to go to the bathroom.

She has been reporting my life to the gang attackers, where and when I am going, what I am going to do, following me around and using her friends to do the same things to me. And there is usually something weird happen after they do that. People may come out and smoke around me on purpose, block my way, talk loudly or lie about me and try to start a fight, bump into me on purpose to damage my clothes and bags and hurt my body, stop me from doing different things. I know that they have been using remote neural monitoring and psychotronic weapons to do the same things by monitoring and manipulating my 5 senses. But this girl and her friends add to it with real life actions towards me because she lives right above me so it is easier for her to hurt me and ruin my life. They severely invade my privacy, violate my human rights, hurt my body, disturb and harass me, criminally damage and steal my belongings, steal my private info for their benefits and ruin my career, my life, and my future. I have already told them my life is none of their business. But they do not listen. All they do are to harm me and lie to make people think that they are helping me. Their hearts are poisonous. 

Around 6pm

Just now, she banged on her floor, the dust fall onto my leg and made it itchy.


I just found out someone injected chemical and planted mold into my fruit again. I just got it yesterday. There was only a very small part of it was edible. They broke in and tried to poison me again.

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