Sunday, May 30, 2021


The 20 to 30 year old woman from upstairs hammered the ceiling above my air conditioner so that it started leaking water again. She even put my shoes right underneath it to get them soaked. When I was taking a deep breathe in front of my plant this morning, she hammered the ceiling right above me to make me inhale the dust. They also broke in and put a big scratch on my fruit to make it rot. She brought the little girl from downstairs to the upstairs apartment and when they passed by my door the woman said let her instigate this little one to be bad as well.

Matthew 18:6
If Anyone Causes One of These Little Ones to Stumble. “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Google 翻譯:
樓上那個 20 到 30 歲的女人敲打我空調上方的天花板,讓它又開始漏水了。她甚至把我的鞋子放在它下面,讓它們濕透。今天早上我在我的工廠前深呼吸時,她敲打著我正上方的天花板,讓我吸入灰塵。他們還闖入並在我的水果上劃了一大塊,讓它腐爛。她把小女孩從樓下帶到樓上的公寓,經過我家門口的時候,那個女人說讓她教唆這個小女孩也做壞事。


被蛀: 成日都講大話話佢走咗,此女子乃是不可多得的淫材,啲麻甩佬點捨得趕佢走吖,為咗自己嘅需要,幾毒都要將佢留低啦,仲幫佢掩飾添。我就冇佢咁本事喇,我份人大方得睇,可遠觀而不可褻玩,忠忠直直,終需乞食吖嘛!

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