Friday, May 7, 2021


Today, the psychotronic weapon continued to contract the muscles and skin on my right face around my eye and scalp, remotely. 4 days in a row. Please pray for the attacks to stop permanently and God to punish the attackers. Please ask God to give me back what I lost because of them, multiple folds. Please pray to God to protect me, keep me healthy including my skin. Please ask God to give me flawless, youthful, smooth and clear skin, especially on my face and nobody can take that away. Because the attackers have been disturbing my sleeps every day,  please ask God to give me good quality sleeps every single day. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you and God bless. 

Note: The voice of the girl from upstairs was in the game/ weapon, screamed loudly to disturb my sleep.  This girl (who broke into my place all the time, caused me to lose at least 40000HKD including my laptop, possibly my job, and killed over 20 of my edible plants with the helps of her friends) also made noise by hammering right above me on their floor/ my ceiling in my bedroom and when I went to bathroom. She followed where I went inside my apartment and did the hammerings right above me. It is very likely that she also own a psychotronic weapon to attack me. Just now, she was making some noise upstairs and my right arm was jerking. The other possibility is she was trying to cover up for the real attackers and made noise at the same time as the attack. Yesterday I heard the girl's voice speaking perfect English from upstairs sounded like reporting to someone about what I did in my apartment. After I busted her stealing my info, she left her place from upstairs right away. 



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