Friday, May 15, 2020


貪慕虛榮?傻啦,淨喺想施施酷酷享受埋下半世嗟! 如果真喺咁有錢,最好冇人知添,費事D人妒忌啦!D人妒忌起上嚟,輕則又偷又搶,嚴重D連條命仔都保唔住呀!冇人知又點會榮呢?虚?咁好享受,施施酷酷,又有好嘢食,又有靚衫著,又有大屋住,又可以環遊世界,仲養到自己肥肥白白,點會虛呀?仲好充實添!襯肺炎期等我廢諗吓都得掛。
Vanity? Not really!I just want to live comfortably and enjoy life for the rest of my time before Jesus comes back again. If I am really that rich, it is better nobody else knows. When people get jealous, they will steal, destroy and rob, they will even kill me. If nobody knows, I will not get any glory from richness, I will not get famous nor get flattered by anyone. Fame is not my cup of tea. However, if I can be able to have good food to eat, beautiful clothes to wear, big house to live, if I can travel around the world comfortably, how vain can that be? I can feel it, I can touch it, I can taste it, it gives pleasure to my eyes, it gives me a healthy body to do different things I enjoy. It is solid and real. My life and my tummy will be filled, not empty at all. If the pneumonia does not give me insomnia, let me dream, a little bit.

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