Sunday, May 17, 2020


咁就要叫佢參加我哋呢個Dictator Anonymous喇, 每個星期日喺我屋企聚會,攞張小冊子返去睇吓。我哋呢個組織喺全球各地都有,幫助啲獨裁家庭成員改過自新,尤其喺啲丈夫,因為男尊女卑嚮地球上仍然喺一個好嚴重嘅問題。火星就唔同嘞,因為冇人。
You are supposed to give birth, raise kids, do laundry, cook and clean as a woman! Otherwise, why do we even need you women? 
What about men, jerk?
Men are supposed to make money to provide for the family, plus to raise kids, do laundry, cook and clean! Why do we need men otherwise?
If women are supposed to only cook and clean, why do we even need a degree?
Use it to make money and buy flowers something like that.
Use all my money to buy flowers? Do you think I have a floral business or something?
Why not? Or you can use the money to buy diamonds, fancy clothes or use it to travel.
Shouldn't a husband pay for all that?
You're right, my bad. Then use the money pay for some workshops or go skydiving. Use it to pay for something that your husband never allows.
What if my husband so stingy and controlling that he doesn't allow me to do anything? Then I have to pay for everything!
Don't marry him then! There's a lot of fish in the ocean.
Too late, my husband and I have been married for decades...
Then you should ask him to join our Dictator Anonymous, we meet every Sunday at my place, this is our bulletin. We are an international organization and is well established globally, helping lots of families to rehabilitate their dictating family members, especially the husband. Because male domination is still a very serious problem on planet earth. The issue has been resolved in Mars since long time ago, because there's no human.

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