Tuesday, September 1, 2020


有時候肉全熟同日全蝕好相似,大家都喺黑黑哋,喺大㕑嘅角度叫做碳燒料理,喺師奶嘅角度就叫做香口啲,又或者咁叻你自己煮啦,喺師奶老公嘅角度就叫做。。。窿咗。。。有得食你就食啦! 咁多嘢講!。。。喺旺財嘅角度就喺聞一聞,然後靜悄悄咁行開咗,再去咬拖鞋,喺阿B女嘅角度叫做完全可以接受到,因為佢仲食緊奶,然後掃風。
Very fully cooked meat is very similar to a very full eclipse. They are both a little dark. In a chef's point of view, it is called adding some char to give it more flavor(s), in a housewife's point of view, it is called she just wanted to kill the worms, or, if you're that picky cook for yourself, in a housewife's husband's point of view, it is called ......burnt .....Well eat your food while it's still hot, in English it's called well done, don't complain too much, or else......And in Lucky's point of view, it is called he sniffed it a little, walked away quietly, then started biting slippers. In a baby's point of view,it is called she was totally fine with it because she is still drinking milk, then she gets burped.

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