Sunday, April 11, 2021


 RFID Chips, Psychotronic Weapons, Mass Shootings and Mind Control

I think I may have a microchip in my tongue because that is the only surgery I have ever had in my life. 

Warning: RFID Chip Implants Can Cause:

The other ones were noninvasive including a laser surgery on my eyes, and wisdom teeth removals which were done 20 something years ago in Canada. The tongue operation was held in the United States. I was suggested by the dentist that I had some change of tissues on my tongue. So she referred me to an oral surgeon. The oral surgeon did a biopsy for me and cut out small part of my tongue on the left side. He said if he did not do it, it might develop into cancer in the future because first of all the tissues had changed into another abnormal forms and my teeth were constantly scratching on them. I went back to the oral surgeon after 2 years after I had found out about psychotronic weapon and microchip were possibly applied on my body because of the remote voice and attacks leading to severe pain and skin problems. I would like to see the surgeon and asked if he did put the microchip in my tongue, he would just have to take it out for me and I would not sue him. But he refused to see me and his receptionist said that he would never have done that. The surgeon did not call us back.

If anybody would like to help please help. I probably need to do an MRI find out whether the microchip is in there and have to find out where it is and do another surgery to take it out. Please also pray that God will eliminate the psychotronic weapons on me and all the victims globally. 

I had talked to a brother in Christ at a church in Carbondale ILL in March 2017 because I found out the brain monitoring, remote voices and attacks after I started going to that church and one of the voices claimed to be one of the guys from that church, even his voice was similar and the voices told me that the guy was the one who put me into this "game"/attack. I told him that I needed an MRI because of the weapon and asked him if he knew anything about it because he worked in the prison in US and he said I had to to the MRI on my own and what he would do was just to tell the pastor about it but I got no help from him nor anyone at the church.

I also talked to the pastor and congregation at the other church in Marion ILL that I went to since January 2017. They could not help me either and some of them even participated in the stealing and mind monitoring process. The pastor used a scripture to support it, this was the scripture he used: 

2 Corinthians 10:5

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ

We take our thoughts captive to obey Christ, not you force my thoughts to obey Christ by stealing my thoughts and act on them. When you steal, you already disobey Him.

We obey Christ, not obey you, especially if you do not obey Christ yourself by stealing peoples' thoughts and private info

Obedience involves free will that God has given us. Just like you cannot force people to believe in God to follow Jesus, they have to be willing to do it. How do you know what you force me to think or mind control is God's will for me at that moment? God applies different methods in different situations on different individuals. It is between God and me, it is none of your business, I have never harmed you right? You can teach me or preach to me but I have to be willing and it must matches with what God tells me before I do something. Do you know that Holy Spirit is inside me and He is helping us to obey? Let Him do the mind monitoring and reminding job, not you. Even Holy Spirit does not force us, who do you all think you are to steal from me, to judge me and to control me?

And another girl who planned to be a minister agreed that I should continue to let them rape me electronically. Did she know that adultery in thought equals to commit adultery?

Matthew 5:27-28

 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’  But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

The elders of the congregation said that this "game"/ weapon was satanic and they prayed for me but it did not work yet. More prayers are needed.

Attack Time Line

Since Jan 2004 Gang Stalking, Community Harassment And used my home TV to mock me believe it or not in Canada. They used an 18 wheeler to push my car onto the side walk, I was not injured, thank God, but my car was total loss, the insurance company did not pay the full amount and just gave me a couple hundreds back and even wanted to raise my insurance fee so I gave back the check. Police picked on me and constantly giving me tickets, people crashed my car on purpose and they bullied me.

In 2006 I went to Hong Kong, gang stalking was still going on. Pastors at church and my friends treated me weirdly just like what was going on in Canada.

In Curacao in 2008, gang stalking and monitoring still went on, I was robbed 3 times in one semester and got physically punched so I fall to the ground, above my lips was bleeding, my forehead was swollen, my left eyebrow cannot be completely raised since then and there is a scar above my lips.  I was treated unfairly by my teacher and a student.

In St Kitts in September to December 2009, I was treated unfairly as well. Student put virus on my laptop after I helped her, IT person wanted me to pay him to fix it for me right before the exam. Several students who live in the same dormitory and shared the same balcony as me were partying on the balcony and made whole bunch  of noise. They even rented speakers and made whole bunch of noise at the yard of the dorm in the middle of the night once and I had to call the police to send them to stop the noise. 

In Carbandale 2009 to 2018

I was  followed by students, they waited for me right outside of my room. My debit card info was stolen to buy some 900USD of gold coins, the school refused to pay me back my dormitory deposit. The school did not allow me to take the exam even after the dean already gave me a letter that I was allowed to. Their reason was they could not get a hold of the dean. So I had to go back to Canada to wait. After a while, the school suddenly sent me an email that I could take the exam a few days before it. I was not ready then and the urgent plane ticket was too expensive so I had to wait for the next exam day. However the next exam day was a year later. So my schedule was delayed for a whole year. Then the school repeatedly accused me of not paying the exam fee that I had already paid for and still kept on refusing to pay me my dorm deposit.

I was not allowed to work in the US legally, so for that 9 years I had to ask around for doing yard works, or asking churches to help me out, eventually become homeless and lived in homeless shelters, sleep in the park, and my ex was helping me out, I got kicked out by his boss, had to sleep at a restaurant, in the park, at an office etc etc. Then my ex boyfriend and me broke up, I continued to be homeless, gang stalking and monitoring was still going on. Then in March 2017,the voice started talking to me out 9f nowhere when I was sitting in the park and at the restaurant I slept at. Their names were Artgur and Emily and they used these voices of the people I met at the church. One time when I was laying on the bench  at the park, I could feel something touching my private moving up and down and there was nobody around. I sat up, then this voice said they were going to put me on an experiment, they introduced another guy called Logan, I ignored them. They told me they were just going to pump some air into me, I still ignored the voice. Not long after, I felt something was stuck into my vagina. I felt uncomfortable, the other voice told me not move, or my hymen was going to be broken or something. I felt really uncomfortable, I moved a little but it did not go away....the voice kept criticizing what I did, lied to me Arthur's dad was the one who put me in the game to get me ready for pregnancy, I had to pick a husband in the game or random  people were going to rape me in the "game". They did that raping so much my private got rashy. Then there was Eminem, Vanilla Ice, and Hong Kong celebrities voices started coming up said in Cantonese that they wanted to help me leave the game, but again it did not work. One morning, they put severe pain on the left side of my body and internal organs when I was sleep in a restaurant that I thought I was dying. I kept praying for  a while and finally the pain was gone.....then the hurting, the voices, they put pustles on my skin, severe itching, tooth pain, jerking my lumps, contracting my muscles, more raping eletronically. The Arthur voice told me that I had to stay in the game because they were trying to protect me from the attacks. He lied again because when that Eminem attacked me by severe itches, bites, pustles, pain, nobody stopped him. They even constantly irritating the nerves on my left hand and gave me a big lump on my wrist and I could not even do push ups. But thank God He healed me. The Eminem guy even put moles an spots on my body.

In July 2018 my family dragged me back t0 Hong Kong,  the psychotronic attacks still go on, on top of it my neighbors started breaking into my place, kill my plants, stole my food, ruined my belongings, I moved to the current place , the psychotronic attacks have been still going on, burglaries still going on, ruining and stealing of my belongings still going on including they ruined my 10000HKD laptop, killing of my plants still going on, in addition to all of the above, they constantly making lots of noises to disturb me and made me sleep deprived,  damaging my ceiling (so concrete falls onto me, my food and my belongings, they damaged my furniture, air conditioning, TV etc etc, tempered my food up to a point they put chemicals and moulds in them to poison me. They put urine at my entrance, urine onto my clothes, stained my bags and 4 of my cartoon bed sheets, damged 4 pairs of my shoes etc. etc. I have lost at least 40000HKD of money and belongings. One time when 8 was outside, someone stole full amount of the wages I earned plus my red packet money. My physiological age has gone up from 20s to 47 within 2 years according to the exact same type of test.

Even though I was born in Hong Kong, people do not want to hire me or hire me for a very short time and let me go for some ridiculous reason, education too high, work too well, not buying a lunch box, they have enough people  it is a waste of me to work here, I finished the job within 15 minutes and the manager said I took 45 minutes to finish it, the clients like me but the co-workers do not, I caused them to lose a customer while the customer was complaining to me my boss was the one who kicked her out and had bad attitudes towards the customers, my coworkers told me that if I continued I would take my manager's position etc. etc. etc. So I have been basically an unemployed person at my birthplace for the last  2 years.

I worked for 20 something years before and I have never seen such ridiculous place before my whole life. People injure me, bruised my hands and leg and one time they threw a box to my head and bent my brand new glasses and the police asked me not to press charges against her. People broke into my place constantly and the police do not even investigate nor arrest. One time when I called them after the break in they hung up on me 15 times. When I went to the police station, they talked about other things staring at their computer and did not record what I told them. Then they switched to the other staff, he asked me to leave and said that he worked there just for the paycheck.  He gave me a  case number and sent me away. In total, I have called the police for over 40 times and reported to them online for at least 20 times, still nothing was done. My neighbors still lie about the thieves have left have been arrested while they are still here to cover up for one another. Now their voices are in the "game" to disturb me and they are stealing my thoughts, what I see, what I hear, what I say, on top of stealing and destroying my belongings and my body.

One time the weapon made me suddenly passed out right at the entrance of a hospital right before my interview. My head were bruised and swollen in two areas, my right forearm and my left leg was bruised, the area right beside my tailbone was bruised and swollen. Thank God that I did not fall right onto my tailbone or else I might got paralyzed, or even die. I had never been in a coma stage  before until then. The other time the weapon caused me to have fake bites all over my body and a huge pustle on my left foot that I had to go to the doctor to drain the pus, but the pustle grew back, so I became bedridden for 3 months because I did not want to tear the wound. And one time I went to the beauty salon just tried out their one time thing but they lied to me I had serious problem around my eyes and those grains would continue to grow and absorb all the nutrients from the tissues aroubd them, they said those were protein, so they had to use a machine to remove them (I found out that they were just fat grains) but I had to buy a package from them. Unfortunately,  they possibly burnt my skin and left a scar right in the middle of my face and another one on my eye brow. The second time I went they said there were massaging but end up pinched my nerve on my right shoulder and now whenever I turned my head to the right my shoulder hurts. I went back there and asked for a refund and want them to pay my medical bill. I went back multiple times, talked to their representatives for long times on the phone multiple times and they yelled at me, used a clipboard threatening to hit me, pushed me out of the door. So I called the police, they only refunded  part of the fees and refused to pay for my medical bills. People in Hong Kong light cigarettes around me on purpose, put hard object in their bags to hit my hands on the street to bruise my hand, used instrument box to hit my hand when they walked by, they even used a kid to do that once and said that the chief executive of Hong Kong asked them to do that. They pretend to lose their balance or walked backward to step on my shoes, rub against my clothes and bags by whole bunch of people trying to ruin them etc. etc.

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