Sunday, April 25, 2021


My 10000HKD laptop was damaged by my neighbors coz they broke in when I went to work. And many many other stuff were stolen and destroyed by them and many other strangers and the people (People?) I know's all my fault they can steal from my home because I left home's all my fault that they can steal and ruin my belongings and ruin my career at the office because I go to the work place, it's all my fault that random people ruin and steal my stuff while they  smoke me with tobacco and bruise me because I walk on the street. I have lost at least 40000HKD because of my thief neighbors and more from other people located at my birth place Hong Kong. And I have lost even more in North America, people in Canada crazily crashed my 2 second hand cars one after another but the insurance company only was willing to give me the money that was enough to buy a sweater and they wanted to increase my insurance fee, so I did not even take the check, on top of that the Canadian police followed me around and picked on me constantly so I had to pay for over 10000HKD of tickets.... just because I went to a dishonest school in the US (400000HKD) and they didn't let me work legally the nine years I stayed there....again it's my fault.....and now I don't have the money, I cannot finish my last degree and I have even been put into the psychotronic weapon so the whole world can steal my information scar my body, my future is ruined......and it is all my fault.

In Canada, at least they gave me a above average income government job, that was the thing that I have to give thanks.

我個一萬港元LAPTOP已被毀壞,因為我出咗去做嘢時我啲鄰居爆格,仲有好多好多嘢俾佢哋加埋我識同唔識嘅人(人?)偷咗同破壞,一日都喺我唔好冧。。。我唔應該離開屋企等佢哋嚮我屋企偷嘢破壞。。。我又唔應該出街等佢哋可以偷同破壞我啲嘢仲圍住我食煙加埋撞到我瘀晒。。。我都唔應該去做嘢嗰個地方等啲老闆同事偷嘢破壞抹黑我。。。一日都喺我衰冧。。。淨喺我個鄰居已經累我最少唔見咗40000港元。。。仲有嚮香港唔見咗好多好多錢同財物。。。嚮北美我唔見得仲多錢同財物 。。。就喺因為我嚮加拿大俾人狂撞我先後買嘅兩架二手車仲要保險公司只肯賠一件衫嘅價錢仲要加我保費所以我寧願唔要,啲警察喺咁挑剔我抄我牌等我要交過萬嘅罰款,信錯人同一間嚮美國唔老實嘅學校 (400000HKD),佢哋仲九年都唔俾我合法做嘢。。。依家錢就冇喇,最後一個最貴嘅學位又讀唔成,仲俾人擺咗落個武器度狂偷我資料遍體鱗傷仲前途盡毀添。。。都喺我唔好冧。。。


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