Friday, April 2, 2021



備註: 正所謂又喊又笑豬婆濑尿,我唔鍾意瀨尿暗。

Today we celebrate Good......Bad Friday.......Jesus suffering day......we do not want Him to die........He had to suffer, to be wiped, to be made multi-holy, to bleed like crazy, to suffocate, to get severely painful......but if He did not die.....then we may have to suffer, to be wiped, to be made multi-holy, to bleed like crazy, to suffocate, to get severely get burnt in the lake of fire......but now we do not have to........if we are true loyal Christ's biggest should we cry or should we laugh.........gloomy or boomy.....depression or emotion is fluctuating quite a is all my fault.......Jesus suffered so much because of me......

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