Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 Posted April 1, 2021

Last night the middle aged guy living upstairs who constantly disturbs me when  I poop in my bathroom tried to incite the other woman to steal my stuff. They were talking about where I put my things and they said I did not deserve to have those food and their conclusion was they had to steal it. Today, I found on my bra hanging on my closet the urine smell that they put at my door. I smelt myself and there was no smell on my body. I did not even clean up myself last night. That means if the smell is from my body, it would still be there. That means the smell was induced, they may use it to wipe their butt or soaked it or poured urine on my bra or something. Before they did the same thing on my dress. And today when I was walking to Goodyear, another middle aged guy walked really slowly on purpose to block my way, then when I passed him, he gave my back pack a big kick that it was flipped right side left, when I turned around he pretended that it was an accident. I yelled at him multiple times and he pretended that he did not hear me. 

Conclusion: Human and this world do not need men, their survival is a waste of our limited resources. We can live a much better live without them. So men, give out your sperms and go die. If you behave like those jerks that I described above, please just go die immediately, do not worry about giving any of your sperms. We do not want our next generations to be like you: useless, destructive, garbagy. Even recycling you is impossible and is a waste of more resources. Can I have an Amen?


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