Thursday, April 8, 2021


 That girl living upstairs broke into my place again, used my pens to make marks on my pillow case. This time is 4 long straight line ink marks. This is already the 4th times they stained my bed sheets/ pillow case. She pull my plant out from the soil and broke the stems. She also switched my TV to mute. Could the police arrest her please and do not let her ever come back to where I live please? She even let in whole bunch of bugs and cockroach into my place. She put water and mould in my dried food, now they are all mouldy. Please pray that she and whoever else did the damages to be arrested, never be able to come back and they have to pay back what I lost. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thanks.

I emphasize:

I would like someone to pay back my lost through out the last 2 years plus in Hong Kong. At least 40000HKD Thanks.  

And I also want that girl and her burglar buddies to be arrested and they will never be able to come to my living space. Thanks.

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