Thursday, May 6, 2021


4:45pm, they are still using the psychotronic weapon to contract my right face which can lead to more wrinkles. I just found our they put a new mole underneath my right eye. They have already caused lots of pain and damages on my body like adding moles, wounds, bites, and possibly internal organ damages. They have been causing sleep deprivation to me for years. My skin and my body are given by God and I have the human rights to survive and stay healthy. They violate my human rights, stealing my private information including the info in my brain, and they are committing murder against me. Psycho attackers, if your country (e.g. United States) owe China those billions and billions of dollars and still attack their innocent citizens like me, you should know that you have to pay us back asap, we still have lots of poor people in our country that are starving like me and lots of Chinese people are still live like they are in the third world and in extreme poverty. Return the money to us so that our people can live better lives. You guys are living filthy rich lives (e.g. living in mansions, eating delicacies, owning expensive jewelries, cars, private jets, travelling around the world, earning millions and billions of dollars) and yet you still have not pay back and you even have so much extra money to buy weapons to attack the poor and the needies like myself. You attack the people of the country that has been helping you so much (billions and billions of dollars!)? Shame on you!!! God my Heavenly Father is watching and working. 

"About a quarter of China's population is in poverty, according to this metric. For comparison, this is slightly higher than Brazil."

Eminem (Marshall Mathers) and Logan Paul, or people from Canada and US, if you are the attackers, or if you are the one who put me under the psychotronic weapons, you should stop and get rid of the weapons from me. God my Daddy is working, if you can see and know what I mean. What God has given me, you have no right to take it away. One more thing, you fight for black rights? Your ancestors and the present generation have been the ones who ruin their lives. You are just trying to clean up your masses  Stop being a hypocrite. You are the most racist person I have ever met. Look at your behaviors towards me, a 5ft1 Chinese middle aged used to be homeless, now unemployed, starving girl who does not even know how to use a gun and has not harmed anyone.  My birth place Hong Kong is so poor that the government cannot even give me unemployment subsidies! I am not related to you in any way. I do not know you. And yet, you hurt my body, electronically rape me  and murder me just because I look younger than you. There is no point of covering it up anymore, racist and abuser! 

Attackers in Hong Kong, since you have stolen and damaged so much money, info, belongings from me, if you are helping out attacking me using the psychotronic weapons,  you are anti-Christ and God will deal with you. I have been praying that He will grab the money from you and return to me, possibly multiple folds of what I have lost because of you. I do not want to deal with any of you nor fight the battle. That is God's battle against you. So stay tuned.

There is a Chinese saying "Taking the rice from the beggar's bowl". You attackers add to it, you murder the beggars after you shamelessly take the rice!

True followers of Christ, please pray for me and all the persecuted sisters and brothers, please ask God to protect us and stop the attacks from the enemies against us permanently. God and us are going to win the battle and you know that. Thank you and God bless.

我嘅身體喺上帝聖靈嘅殿,  你刑事毀壞上帝物業牙? 睇路呀!

My body is the Temple of The Holy Spirit, are you vandalizing God's property ? You better watch out!



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