Monday, February 1, 2021


有人偷入我住處偷了我的扎頭帶及弄熄我鬧鐘,厕所地上佈滿假天花掉落的泥塵石屎。還有一堆維他命丸被偷走,我已打999報警。根據鄰居街坊所講,經常爆竊我家的有男有女有小孩,其中有年輕女子同中年女子,有人說她們是妓女,很多幫她們爆竊滋擾我的都是她們的漂客,還說很多警察都光顧過她們是她們的顧客,所以包庛她們没有調查或拘捕她們任何有關人等。還有有鄰舍告訴我樓上租客未經業主同意分租给人,分租客就是那20一30歲左右的兩兄妹,其中兩個賊,他們還說那兩兄妹另外有個單位(可能就是傲形樓20D住客以前不停偷東西, 入我屋攪破壞的樓上鄰居),鄰居還說他們租我樓上單位是為了報復我。我跟他們是不認識的,沒有得罪過他們。






Dear Sir / Madam, 

Please be informed that your information was received by Hong Kong Police and put under reference of xxxxxxx. 

2.        In order to facilitate our enquiries, please provide the following details for us to take appropriate action(s) : 

        a.        According to your information, did you got any loss? Around 30000HKD worth of belongings and money. Furnature, bags, necessities, lots and lots of food, cash, plants, grocery coupons, bed sheets, shoes, ceilings, appliances etc etc. 

        b.        How do the stalkers staliking you? Gang stalking, following me around describing me in the public and announce what I do in my personal time. Remote neural monitoring and psychotronic weapons allow them to locate where I am and they monitor my speeches, hearings, visions  thoughts and have someone to bump into me to hurt my body and ruin my belongings, they also block me and smoke and light cigarettes around me on purpose. They disturb me around my home, threaten and break in to steal and damage lots of things. Constantly hammering their floor upstairs, run with heavy foot steps and turn on the electric drill to make lots of noise so I cannot sleep. They also use that method to ruin my ceilings. They have told me they wanted to make me 永無寧日。People also steal my food and damage my belongings at my low pay part time work place in Tsim Sha Tsui. I even found that I lost around 150HKD after several hours of work. The other time I worked as a waitress in To Kwa Wan, the people at that restaurant stole all my wages from my previous work place and red packet money from my family. That time they stole thousands of HKD. 

My previous address was 馬頭圍道傲形樓19D. My current address is 土瓜灣譚公道 89號唐七樓6/F, neighbors and strangers have been breaking into both of my rental places to steal and do damages.

        c.        Please provide your contact number for further enquiry.  Email: 

I can give you a call on the phone if you like. Thanks

3.        Please reply at your earliest convenience via email xxxxxxx

Best Regards 

District Intelligence Section 

Yau Tsim District 

Hong Kong Police

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