Friday, February 12, 2021


當合桃做咗糕之後,喺冇咁苦嘅,襯年新年,終於嚮苦中帶俾我生命中少少甜頭,不過苦又唔喺一定全部唔好嘅,起碼可以訓練我個腦點樣可以掙扎求存。。。叮嘛。仲有啲蝴蝶。。。酥硬脛,喺都唔肯飛走,堅持要留嚮我身邊,直至飛入我個胃為止,唔怪之得我乜都怯啦! 啲蝴蝶入咗胃都乸佢唔死生鈎鈎嚮裏面亂飛亂撞,唔驚就假喇,名乎其實生蟲UM。

After the pecans are made into candies, they are not as bitter anymore. Just like my bitter life has become a little sweeter in this Chinese New Year. But the bitterness may not be all bad. At least it can train my brain how to struggle through life. Also my life has been such a big failure. But this Chinese New Year I may be able to become palmier after I consume the Palmiers my family bought me, at least in terms of getting my stomach filled.

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